Don’t forget the HF open house is this weekend! Bring a ham friend to learn about HF!!
Category Archives: Ham News
Tulsa County ARES SET 11/5
The Tulsa County ARES organization will conduct the annual simulated emergency test on Saturday, November 5. This is a multi-county, multi-mode exercise. The ICS-205 communications plan is linked below. The exercise will begin at 0900 local and volunteers will begin by checking in on the resource net, 147.390. We have defined frequencies for: Resource Net. Tulsa area volunteers check-in on the Resource Net to receive an assignment. Primary Operations (where most voice traffic will be in Tulsa) Winlink Operations and Help Desk. VHF digipeater & gateway for NTS messages via Winlink HF frequencies for NTS messages via Winlink Digital voice […]
Masonic Lodges on the Air Event to Take Place on September 24
Masonic Lodges on the Air (MLotA), an amateur radio special event, will be on the air Saturday, September 24, 2022, from locations across the county. The event is open to all amateur radio operators, and the idea for the event grew out of the realization that many Freemasons also have a love for amateur radio. The Fulton County Amateur Radio Club (FCARC) and the Fulton Lodge #248 in Ohio first hosted the event in 2021. Because of its success, the event has now been scheduled for the next 3 years. The event will be operating K8BXQ from 10:00 AM – […]
QRZ New Ham Jumpstart
We are pleased to announce the QRZ New Ham Jumpstart, a program that will help new hams get on the air faster than ever. The program, which is jointly sponsored by QRZ and GigaParts, will provide a FREE, New Ham Welcome Package to eligible applicants. Among the goodies in the first edition of the Welcome Package, we are including a brand-new dual-band handheld transceiver, the Explorer QRZ-1, along with a host of other sponsor-supplied goodies. Purpose of the Jumpstart Program This program is designed to promote amateur radio to the masses, helping to eliminate a possible barrier to entry by […]
New Ham Radio Programming
By Paul, WB5ANX Have you recently passed your tech license and bought an HT that you don’t know how to program? You are not alone. Field Day 2022 debuted a radio programming opportunity and about half dozen new hams show up with their radio to be programmed. There was even one couple studying to take their ex-am that bought an HT and did not know how to pro-gram it. Steve Childers, KF5VCQ, built a small list of 53 repeater and simplex frequencies that comprise a good starter list. I put that list into Chirp, free programming software, to enable an […]
ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program
As of April 19, 2022, ARRL covers the one-time $35 application fee for new license candidates younger than 18 years old that take tests administered under the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (ARRL VEC) program. As part of the ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program, the $35 FCC application fee will be reimbursed after the ARRL VEC receives the completed reimbursement form and the new license has been issued by the FCC. The reimbursement check will be mailed to the fee payer. Also, candidates younger than the age of 18 would pay the ARRL VEC team a reduced exam session fee of $5 at the […]
2022 Tulsa Tough Recap & Photos
Paul Teel WB5ANX writes: I have been reviewing the Tulsa Tough Saturday stats from my log and notes. Command Post operational and on air at 0700 Over 1100 rider registrations for Saturday First riders (ACE) were away at 0730 Last rider across finish at 1720 (net control concluded) Over 211 communication exchanges with net control from SAG’s (0730 – 1720) First flat was 18 min into the ride First cramps reported by 0958 39 rider assists/mechanicals (17 flats fixed) 35 riders & bikes transported via SAGs back to finish. 3 separate incidents where EMS was involved (2 riders transported to […]
TARC Media Advisory : 2022 ARRL Field Day — June 25 – 26
2022 ARRL Field Day — June 25 – 26 Ham Radio Operators On the Air for Nationwide Event June 25 – 26 Hello! You have made this email blast as a public office, media, or someone that might find our event interesting enough to spread the word. We also gain points for being involved in the community and having great people like yourself show up and take some photos, so if you could spare a few moments for a visit on June 25 during noon-5pm we would greatly appreciate it! Below I have included a schedule of events and some […]
W5AWS Feeler Gauge Key
As Hamsters, we are always on the lookout for a better mousetrap. Specifically, a better way of sending CW. About the only way to find out what works best is to try operating with various keys, consequently I suspect that CW aficionados have several keys in their collection as I have. While riding along with Mike, KI5EGH, during the 2022 Tour de Tulsa bicycling event, when we were one unit of nine with the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club who provided SAG radio coverage of the various routes, our conversation turned to CW operation. I was intrigued by Mike’s mention of […]
ARRL: FCC Proposes Record $34,000 Fine for Alleged Interference and Unauthorized Transmissions During Idaho Wildfire
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed a $34,000 fine against Jason Frawley of Lewiston, Idaho, for allegedly interfering with radio operations of the U.S. Forest Service during firefighting activities for the Johnson Creek Fire near Elk River in July 2021. The FCC issued a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture (NAL) on June 8, 2022 to Frawley. The FCC states in the NAL that Frawley holds an Extra-class Amateur Radio Service license, WA7CQ, and is the owner/operator of Leader Communications LLC, licensee of eight microwave licenses and one business license. The FCC alleged in the NAL that “On July 17, 2021, using his […]