Tulsa County ARES SET 11/5

The Tulsa County ARES organization will conduct the annual simulated emergency test on Saturday, November 5.  This is a multi-county, multi-mode exercise.  The ICS-205 communications plan is linked below.  The exercise will begin at 0900 local and volunteers will begin by checking in on the resource net, 147.390.

We have defined frequencies for:

    • Resource Net.  Tulsa area volunteers check-in on the Resource Net to receive an assignment.
    • Primary Operations (where most voice traffic will be in Tulsa)
    • Winlink Operations and Help Desk.
    • VHF digipeater & gateway for NTS messages via Winlink
    • HF frequencies for NTS messages via Winlink
    • Digital voice access on the Oklahoma Link
    • DMR statewide TG 3140 Net (note: if severe weather is active in Oklahoma we can and will yield this talk group to the weather net)
    • ARES Operations & EOC Liaison Net
    • Simplex backup

While this is principally an exercise for the Tulsa and Rogers counties, we want to encourage everyone statewide to participate.  You can also check-in on the DMR net or on the Oklahoma Link.


ARES SET 2022 ICS 205 Page 1

ARES SET 2022 ICS 205 Page 2

Questions?  Please let me know by email at WB5ANX@arrl.net.

Thank you for supporting our SET, 73.

Paul Teel

WB5ANX, Tulsa EC

Posted in Ham News.

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