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Tulsa County ARES – Simulated Emergency Test 2025
October 4 - October 5
2024 data is below.. more to come… This is just a place holder…
The Tulsa County Amateur Radio Emergency Services organization will be conducting the annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET). This is an exercise that tests our processes and skills that we would use during an actual emergency. The exercise will begin at 0900 on Saturday, October 5. We will be using several local repeaters along with Winlink gateways. We are also coordinating with Rogers County on their SET as well. Operations begin with volunteers checking in on the Staging Net at 0900 using the 145.110 repeater. Volunteers will then be given a tasking to change frequencies to another net based upon their skills and training. We also are planning to conduct a test of our Hospital Net during the exercise.
For more information, please contact Paul Teel, WB5ANX, Tulsa County ARES Emergency Coordinator at
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