Solar Eclipse April 8

Amateur radio will play many roles in the upcoming solar eclipse that will cross much of North America. Radio amateurs are welcome to participate in ionospheric research that is being conducted. Find information about the Solar Eclipse QSO Party on the HamSCI web site. News from

Presidents Corner January 2024

Presidents Corner   President – Mark Adams WA5MA 1st Vice President – Jack Conway W5JHC Outgoing 2nd Vice President – Ian Duncan KC9THI / Incoming 2nd Vice President Ky Vargas KY5VAR Secretary – Andrew Shead W5AWS Treasurer – Jerry Weikel KE5PMK Public Service Liaison – Bart Pickens N5TWB Callsign Trustee – Gregg Wonderly W5GGW   Newsletter Editor – Richie Shroff W5OKL ARES Emergency Coordinator, Tulsa County – Paul Teel WB5ANX   Where did 2023 go? Hello 2024 and Happy Anniversary TARC!!! January 1st has come and gone so now we can officially celebrate the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s 100 year […]

TARC Minutes of Meeting Nove 2023

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 1900 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa. We advanced the meeting by one week to deconflict with the Thanksgiving festivity next week. You can download the agenda for the meeting via this link: WA5MA introduced those officers of the club who were present; 23 persons added their names to the attendance register, a copy of which you can download via the following link: WA5MA asked if any club members present are not receiving […]

Net Checkins 2.14.23

1 W5AWS Tulsa ANDREW 2 K5CAY Tulsa DAN 3 KY5VAR Broken Arrow KY 4 KC5MJE JENNINGS KENNY 5 N5LOL TULSA BRENT 6 WA5MA Bixby MARK 7 WB5ANX TULSA PAUL 8 K5TZS Broken Arrow DAVID 9 KI5VYF Tulsa LINDA 10 KF5VCQ Sand Springs STEVE 11 KB5VDA Tulsa GREG 12 AA5AS Bixby RANDY 13 KI5UEX Miami DENNIS 14 KI5YX Coweta MIKE 15 N9JPH McAlester JASON 16 AG5SL McAlester JAMES 17 KA6DOY MANNFORD REMELL 18 KI5YWF Oklahoma City DON 19 KG5YBK Bethany SHANE 20 W5CAE Sand Springs CHRIS 21 KN6QCJ S LAKE TAHOE ZACH 22 KI5URM Owasso BRIAN 23 WA5TRM Tulsa STORM 24 […]