A History and Overview on the 145.170 Repeater

Alongside his presentation for TARC’s October 2024 General Meeting on the 443.850 SuperLink Hub repeater, Bob W5RAB also presented on the 145.170 Repeater, co-located on the same tower as the .850, with slides created by Paul WB5ANX. Below is an attached PDF of those slides for convenience and reference. TARC 145.170 Overview Oct 2024

A History and Overview of the SuperLink Hub Repeater

For the October 2024 TARC General Meeting, Bob W5RAB presented on a brief history behind the 443.850 SuperLink Hub repeater here in Tulsa, with slides created by Paul WB5ANX. Below is an attached PDF of those slides for convenience and reference. SuperLink Overview Oct 2024 Bob also presented a history and overview of the co-located 145.170 repeater during the October 2024 meeting.

New Calendar

I’ve created a NEW calendar just to start posting events that we do to help separate the mess of NET’s and training. SO, please shoot the webmaster@w5ias.com any events that need to get added.. Stay tuned to the NET/Training coming up later this month as I start to clean up that calendar to make it more user friendly!

TARC Go Fund Me

The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club has been operating since 1924 and provides invaluable communications support to Tulsa and northeast Oklahoma. Through the use of its numerous repeater sites, TARC helps provide our area critical communications infrastructure that provides uninterrupted service during times of emergencies. Recently, one of our antennas was damaged during a storm. This antenna (estimated to be worth $3,000) had to be replaced. Fortunately, our club had a backup antenna. Unfortunately, all of our discretionary income was used to pay a tower repair team to climb the tower and replace our antenna. This service alone was approximately $3,500. […]

Solar Eclipse April 8

Amateur radio will play many roles in the upcoming solar eclipse that will cross much of North America. Radio amateurs are welcome to participate in ionospheric research that is being conducted. Find information about the Solar Eclipse QSO Party on the HamSCI web site. News from ARRL.org