TARC Monthly Meeting Minutes for March 2022

Mark, WA5MA, called the meeting to order at 1900 hours local.

WA5MA asked whether there were any questions about the minutes of the previous meeting. Nothing heard. Paul, WB5ANX, moved to approve the minutes as written; Jerry KE5PMK, seconded the motion; and the motion was approved by general acclamation.

WA5MA asked for any questions about the financial report. Nothing heard. Ray, K5CFY, moved to approve the financials; David, KI5PBP, seconded the motion; carried by general acclamation.

WA5MA said that club membership renewal is due on April 1. Jerry, KE5PMK, said that he is already started receiving dues via Paypal.

WA5MA remembered to ask for a round-robin introduction of meeting attendees.

WA5MA said that whereas the club has QSL cards for Route 66 On The Air, there are no QSL cards for W5IAS, the club itself. WA5MA circulated several images suitable for a club QSL card, asking for members to place an X against their choice.

WA5MA reported on a discussion about prorating membership dues, which fall on April 1. The proposal placed before the meeting is that anyone joining the club and paying the annual membership fee before October 31st will pay again on April 1st six months later. Anyone who joins the club after October 31st will pay again on April 1st, eighteen months later. This is to simplify accounting. Bart, N5TWB, said that the club membership year was chosen to coincide with hamfest. This concession applies to new members only. Bob, W5RAB, motioned to accept the proposal; seconded by Bart, N5TWB; and carried by general acclamation.

WA5MA rehearsed radio protocol and preparedness and the types of radio to use. For types of radio, choose the one you will use; there are many varieties; pick one that is easy to use and to program. When reporting on-ground events to a Net Control Operator (NCO), write the message on a pad of paper then read and speak the message to the NCO. Be aware that in the excitement of the moment there is an inclination to shout and to speak rapidly — first take a deep calming breath then make your verbal report slowly and clearly to avoid the need for repetition. WA5MA warned NOT to “kerchunk” the repeater, which is illegal; “kerchunking” is the technical term for momentarily pressing the Push- To-Talk (PTT) switch to find out whether the repeater is within range and can be activated. Remember: Any transmission must be identified with a callsign. Failure to identify your transmission is illegal, a violation of FCC rules and the terms of your Amateur Radio license. And remember to spend more time listening carefully than speaking

WA5MA reported the status of the W5IAS Weather Watch. To avoid confusion with the WX5TUL Weather Net, the name is changed from W5IAS Weather Net to W5IAS Weather Watch. WA5MA said that he will amend the online documentation. When reporting events, be accurate about the location and calm; cross-street coordinates are most useful for locating an event. Speaking plain language is best rather than with abbreviations. The objective is to make a clear, understandable report without need for repetition; saying it once is quicker than repeating multiple times.

There was some discussion of cross-band connectivity, mainly between a handheld and a mobile radio in an automobile. Cross-band connection of repeaters is forbidden, especially between VHF and UHF. Cross-band connections are often poorly done and cause more problems than they solve.

WA5MA yielded the floor to Paul, WB5ANX, to talk about the Boy Scouts Camporee on April 9th at Mabee Scout Reservation Camp Garland at Locust Grove. Two to three volunteer operators from the club are needed to communicate with the comms. trailer at the Green Country Hamfest. Objective is to give interested scouts a chance to get some practical experience operating a radio, helping them to earn their radio merit badges. The drive east from Tulsa to Camp Garland is about an hour duration. For more information, contact Jack, W5JHC, by email at webmaster@w5ias.com. WB5ANX yielded the floor to WA5MA.

WA5MA asked whether the club intends to raffle a radio at Hamfest this year. Some discussion ensued about which radio, short-listed to Yaesu FTM300 and FT5DR. Since both radios have comparable prices, we reached consensus on an FTM300 with the FT5DR as an alternative. Paul, WB5ANX, checked radio availability, confirming that they can be acquired in time for Hamfest. Steve, KC5VCQ, moved to authorize the purchase money; Ray, K5CFY, seconded; and the motion was approved by general acclamation. Bart, N5TWB, volunteered to coordinate with treasurer
Jerry, KE5PMK, to place the order with the dealer.

WA5MA asked for any other business, yielding the floor to Bob, W5RAB, who explained the current status of digipeaters and trackers shared between TARC and the Tulsa Repeater Organization (TRO). Apparently, the present custodian declared them inoperative. W5RAB said that on testing them with a calibrated wattmeter designed for the frequencies involved, he found them fully functional. W5RAB recommended that TRO and TARC split custodianship of the devices along functional lines: digipeaters or trackers. W5RAB said that since the devices have low usage, the sealed lead-acid batteries sulphate becoming inoperable; he also recommended that TARC and TRO buy two new devices each year, to increase the number of devices and insure that there is a mix of new and old technology, and improve the overall reliability of the collection. Cost of the devices is in the order of $200 each. W5RAB yielded the floor to WA5MA.

There being no further business, WA5MA adjourned the meeting at 2035 hours local time.

Posted in TARC Meeting Minutes.

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