2022 Tour de Tulsa

Location: formerly known as Veteran’s Park, now known as Dream Keepers Park – 18th & Boulder. This will be the start/finish location and the route will go southwest of Tulsa into Creek County. Plan on being at this lo-cation by 7am on the event date for route assignments.

After you get these details on your personal calendar, either go to the TARC Facebook events page to volunteer or send me an e-mail: N5TWB@arrl.net. Next, start checking your essential gear: reflective vest, bike rack (or pickup bed), mobile radio with at least 25 watts, (optional) handheld radio for use when out of vehicle, first aid kit, ice chest, personal comfort items, cover for seats to be used by sweaty riders, (optional) bike repair kit, air pump (TARC has loanable pumps). These are the basic items and you can supplement the list as you see fit.

2022 Tour de Tulsa

This ride will be using only the APRS units provided by the Tulsa Repeater Organization and the APRS digipeaters provided by TARC. If you have your own APRS, please plan to use one of the provided units so the unit numbers are more easily tracked on the TRO computer system. Net Control will only be looking for those unit numbers on the mapping sys-tem so outside APRS IDs will not show up on the system for tracking.

E-mail any questions to me and plan on a good time. We’ll discuss more details on how to support a ride at the next TARC meeting on April 19 at TU.

Check out radios and programming. The band plan and what frequencies we are going to use can be found here – ICS 205 – Radio Communications Plan.

The event is finished.


May 07 2022


8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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