Jackery Explorer 1000

Recently I purchased a Jackery Explorer 1000.  Ive been running a few experiments to see what I would be able to run at home, and one of them was to see how well things performed using the Jackery to power the ham gear. So, on TWOsday, 2/22/22 (sorry – I had to throw that one in) I tuned into the TARC net using the Jackery for power. The radio equipment I have is an Icom 7100 with an Alinco DM-330MV power supply (see attached).   The power supply, by itself, pulls about 10 watts of power on average.  Turning on […]

Scanners & Ham Radio

Tonight at the TARC meeting Paul Teel ( WB5ANX * WB5ANX@arrl.net) talked about scanners and Ham radio. Attached to this is a copy of the PDF file he was referencing. Scanners and Ham Radio Feb 2022


Happy February!!! Did you come up to Chandler Park and operate Winter Field Day? Did you operate from home? Have you participated in any contests, contacted any POTA stations or Special Event Stations? Have you started any ham radio projects or been working on your radio and antenna? We had our first license exam session on January 29th and Bruce now has his Tech license, KN6SPB. He’s already applied for a vanity callsign and absolutely loves this ham radio hobby. You’ll be hearing and seeing a lot from him. Congratulations to the others that successfully upgraded, too. A special thank […]

TARC Meeting Minutes January 18, 2022

Mark, WA5MA called the meeting to order at 1900 hours in room 2005 at Keplinger Hall, University of Tulsa. WA5MA introduced the new club officers for 2022: 1st VP, Jack W5JHC; and Secretary, Andrew W5AWS. WA5MA asked for round-robin introductions. Our December meeting was the Christmas Dinner for which there were no minutes. WA5MA asked for any questions about the November minutes of meeting. Nothing heard. Paul, WB5ANX, moved to approve the minutes; Russ, KF5UZG, seconded. WA5MA asked for any questions about the November financial report, recognizing the absence of Treasurer Jerry, KE5PMK. Nothing heard. Gregg, W5GGW, moved to approve […]

ARRL Members – Field Day Survey

Make sure to check your email for an important Field Day Rules questionnaire that went out! Due to everyone’s favorite virus, COVID, the Field Day Rules were changed for 2020 and 2021. The question is whether those new rules should apply to 2022 Field Day or perhaps should be made permanent. To find out what our Members want, rather than what a committee in a Galaxy far far away might want, the ARRL’s Programs & Services Committee has created a survey for the purpose of finding out what YOU would like the Field Day Rules to be. Read More HERE […]

Watch: John Stratton, N5AUS ARRL West Gulf Division Director Presentation

John Stratton N5AUS’ Presentation If you were unable to join the ARRL West Gulf Division Director John Stratton N5AUS at Saturday’s SCARS meeting, or you need to pick up something you missed, we have this presentation recorded for you to watch at your leisure at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNVO8SPDkV8&t=3s As a Division Director, John is our elected representative on the ARRL board of directors and serves on the ARRL Executive Committee and on the new Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee (EC-FSC). He talked about the many changes that are happening at ARRL headquarters and what is coming down the road.

Powerpoles- NOT for Permanent Installations

From: Clint Bradford via groups.io Date: Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 3:11 PM Subject: [Work-Sat] Powerpoles- NOT for Permanent Installations While discussing Anderson Powerpoles last week on another message board, a couple folks were angered with my post … A note on Powerpoles … if not “used” (connecting/disconnecting) often, they can develop resistance in that two-spring contact. Enough to slow or even stop 100-200mW loads. Look at a cross-section of the contacts – and see how very little metal-to-metal contact there actually is. So – using for non-permanent installations, like taking equipment to events or  for demos – is great. But if not […]