Net Log 10.3.23 TARC-Net-Checkins-20231003.log
TARC Net Check-in Log10.11.23
Gents, The check-in log from the net tonight is attached to this message. Co-logging seems to work, as long as we remember the slow update rate. Next time it will be easier, Brent, and easier still the time after that. Thanks, David and Brent, doing this way will encourage others to have a go. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20231010-TARC-Net-Checkins.pdf 20231010-TARC-Net-Checkins.log
Lithium-ion battery fires
Mark, We ham radio ops may need a reminder about the potential volatility of Lithium-ion batteries: Though I have an extinguisher in my shack, it won’t do any good if I’m not present to operate it when needed, and it could be unable to quench a Lithium-ion battery fire. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=-
TARC Net log 9.26.23
Gents, The log for the net tonight is attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20230926-TARC-Net-Checkins.log 20230926-TARC-Net-Checkins.pdf
TARC Minutes of Meeting September 2023
On Tuesday, 19 September 2023 at 1900 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa. You can download the agenda for the meeting via this link: WA5MA introduced those officers of the club who were present then requested round-robin introductions of the company; 41 persons added their names to the attendance register, a copy of which you can download via the following link: WA5MA asked if any club members present are not receiving the club newsletter. Nothing heard. WA5MA asked for […]
TARC @ Maker Faire 2023
Good video about Maker Faire on youtube and a quick view of the trailer on an event.
Presidents Corner September 2023
This summer… has been an awesome time for the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club! We made the cover of July QST Magazine… Paul Teel WB5ANX also had an article published in the July QST in the Public Service section, “Using APRS at Public Service Events” and Andrew Shead W5AWS had his article published in the September QST, “Portable Operations at Chandler Park”. Congratulations to you two for a couple of great arti-cles! If you get a chance please read the articles and give a pat on the back to Paul and Andrew! In case you missed it… The annual TARC Ice […]
TARC Net check-in log 9.13.23
Gents, The log for the net tonight is attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20230912-TARC-Net-Checkins.pdf 20230912-TARC-Net-Checkins.log
TARC History
1981 seems to have been a low point in the life of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, judging by the the surviving records. In November 1981, some old business about having a club flag was held over until the next meeting and never heard again. See the minutes attached to this message. Recently, we finally acquired a club flag; proposed by Remell, KA6DOY, and realized by Mark, WA5MA. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=-