Check out the Photo Gallery! Pictures of the first club meeting at TU in almost 2 years and pictures of the TARC Christmas Party.
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URGENT…TARC October Monthly Meeting
QST, QST, QST…The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting on October 19th will be in Keplinger Hall, Room 2005 at 6:45. The room is large enough to accommodate 60 to 65 people so there is room for social distance. Wear your mask if you feel uncomfortable. Talk in is the 145.110 repeater. See you there.
The President’s Corner – September 2021
The TARC Tuesday night net is going strong and we’re averaging 25 hams checking in every week. It seems there is always either a new ham that just got their license or someone new to the net. Either way, we’re glad to see and hear lots of new activity on the repeaters. The current topic has been “What can I do on the air as a Technician Class license holder?” We may be continuing that for several weeks judging by the participation and lots of good questions! The September 21st TARC meeting will be held at the TCC campus (remember […]
The President’s Corner – August 2021
Portable Operations Is On The Horizon!!! Last years’ Field Day was…well…you know…kinda discouraging, but this years’ Field Day was much better and from that many club members are looking at doing a lot more portable operations. The last club meeting was all about portable and we had several club members bring out their radios and antennas to show, myself included. You can see some pictures on the TARC website at or on the club Facebook page. Thanks to all those who came out to see…all 30 of you! We’ve not had attendance like that in a long time! Thanks! […]
Pictures posted in Photo Gallery
Pictures from the Maker Fair and the first Portable Operations Day have been posted in the Photo Gallery. Check ’em out!
Maker Fair 8/28 Tulsa Fairgrounds
Don’t miss the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club at the Maker fair on Saturday morning. Starts at 10 AM to 5 PM at the Tulsa Fairgrounds. Talk in on 145.110.
Portable Ops Day-8/28
Everyone is welcome to the first TARC Portable Operations Day. Starts at 1 PM and goes until the batteries run out. Chandler Park, Shelter #3.
WA5MA Portable Ops Case
Attached are a couple of pictures of my portable radio case. HF only and can run on battery or power supply. The case can be seen in person along with others at the July 20th meeting.
What Is Field Day?
Great question !?!?! Here is that official video to help get that information into your hands.. Scroll down to the bottom once done and check out our event page often as we keep posting new info! TARC Field Day
5.11 Informal Net Follow-up
All, I thought I would do my best to write down some of the things that were discussed OTA on the net. DATES 5.15- TRO Copland Classic 5.18 – TARC Meeting @ TU 5.22 – Tulsa Tough Practice RUN ?? 6.13 – Tulsa Tough Event 6.26 – Field Day Paul Young, KE5EHM, from the TRO is looking for a few more SAG personnel to help out at the Copland Classic this weekend. If you are able to help please reach out to and let him know you can help. Great discussion and information from all hams that participated on […]