Are You Contesting, or Calling a Net?

Written by: Gregg, W5GGW Are you Contesting, or Calling a net? An Amateur Radio Operator calling CQ during a contest on a frequency that was available for their use operates very much like a net control operator. They select the stations that they will work next, and control the traffic on that frequency. Learning to be a net control-operator is one way to learn more about contesting and to familiarize yourself with the concentration levels that are necessary when a ‘pileup’ occurs and you have lots of calls thrown at you. Emission Modes and Carriers The FM radios that we […]

Ham Radio Outlet coming to Tulsa?

To all hams in the Northeast Oklahoma area… If you’ve ever dreamed of having a Ham Radio Outlet store in the Tulsa area, now is your chance to vote for one. Alan Sales, K5ADS is a former HRO employee and does carry some pull to have a store added here. He’s already sent a proposal to HRO Corporate. They need to hear from as many hams as possible confirming there is serious interest. I’ve already cast my vote for Tulsa! Please vote after you finish reading this e mail. Here is the e mail that I received from Alan Sales, K5ADS. […]


Help support the ARRL and join today to get information just like the news posted below! Amateur Radio Gearing Up for Another Active Atlantic Hurricane Season June 2021 Eclipse Festival Seeks Ham Participants ARRL Podcasts Schedule Radio Amateur’s Vintage Film Footage Sheds Light on Hindenburg Disaster Amateur Radio in the News ARRL Learning Network Webinars East Bay SM Jim Siemons, W6LK, Stepping Down; Mike Patterson, N6JGA, Appointed CQ Announces 2021 Hall of Fame Inductees Announcements Researcher and Past Arecibo Observatory Director Gordon Pettengill, W1OUN, SK The K7RA Solar Update In Brief… Just Ahead in Radiosport Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions The current […]

Creek County Fox Hunt

Our friends with the Creek County ARES will be hosting a Fox hunt! Take a moment to view the event information below and check back as they are still forming the event! CCAO Fox Hunt  

QST – Clear Frequencies Requested

Clear Frequencies Requested for Net Providing 24/7 Coverage of St Vincent Volcanic Eruption 04/20/2021 The Caribbean Emergency and Weather Net (CEWN) has been providing round-the-clock coverage during the La Soufriere volcanic eruption on the island of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Several neighboring islands are also being affected by the disaster. When responding to disasters and emergencies such as this, the CEWN utilizes 3.185 MHz LSB and 7.188 MHz LSB. CEWN is requesting that radio amateurs not involved in the volcano response to keep these frequencies clear. — Thanks to Ira Harris, VP2EIH Posted – Mark Conklin –

Updated Radio Frequency Exposure Rules Become Effective on May 3

The FCC has announced that rule changes detailed in a lengthy 2019 Report and Order (R&O) governing RF exposure standards go into effect on May 3, 2021. The new rules do not change existing RF exposure (RFE) limits but do require that stations in all services, including amateur radio, be evaluated against existing limits, unless they are exempted. For stations already in place, that evaluation must be completed by May 3, 2023. After May 3 of this year, any new station, or any existing station modified in a way that’s likely to change its RFE profile — such as different […]