By: W5AWS Help! At the October 2023 in-person meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, Mark, WA5MA, our president, announced that he had been contacted by a desperate homeowner whose kitchen stove electronic controller would periodically become scrambled during the night by transmissions from the nextdoor amateur radio operator. WA5MA asked whether anyone present had experience suppressing Radio Frequency Interference (RFI); apart from the obvious addition to power cords of snap-on toroids, there was nothing heard. WA5MA asked anyone present with ideas to contact him. Poltergeist or RFI At that point, we had too little information to know how to […]
Category Archives: Ham News
SENATORS WICKER, BLUMENTHAL INTRODUCE THE AMATEUR RADIO EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS ACT…/senators-wicker… Here is a link for you to use to contact your senators showing support for this bill.
Storm Spotter Training 2024
The annual National Weather Service storm spotter training will be presented in Tulsa on March 16 at 9:00 am. The meeting place will be at the OSU Tulsa auditorium. The training is free of charge and open to the public. More information about this event and others can be found at their website:
Morse Keying Practice
Morse keying practice to the website and “social” media. Andrew, W5AWS Morse-Keying-Practice.pdf
APRS Radio Configuration
“Social” media on configuring radios for APRS. Andrew, W5AWS. 20230830-APRS-Radio-Configuration
Lithium-ion battery fires
Mark, We ham radio ops may need a reminder about the potential volatility of Lithium-ion batteries: Though I have an extinguisher in my shack, it won’t do any good if I’m not present to operate it when needed, and it could be unable to quench a Lithium-ion battery fire. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=-
TARC Centenary History
An article appeared in the May 2006 edition of QST: “Tulsa Hams Respond to Hurricane Katrina and Human Storm Surge”, see the file attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 64cee76036ca2.pdf
TARC Novice CW Net After Action Report 7.4.23
Attached to this message is an after action report of our historic first novice CW net active yesterday evening, for upload to the website. Special thanks to KY5VAR, KI5EGH, and KA6DOY for making it happen. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20230703-TARC-Novice-CW-Net-AAR-W5AWS.pdf
CW for the Hearing Impaired
A Handheld Vibrational Device Delivering CW to Hearing-Impaired Individuals There are many students in our club over the age of 50 that have various hearing impairments. Through the hard and dedicated work of an LICW committee which made an initial haptic prototype, then improved by Bob WO6W, we now have a patent pending effective vibrational CW decoding device. This device is now being made available to LICW membership and the public. This will also be an interesting aid for those with good hearing because feeling the code creates alternate white matter pathways to the mind which can aid in one’s […]