The President’s Corner – September 2021

The TARC Tuesday night net is going strong and we’re averaging 25 hams checking in every week. It seems there is always either a new ham that just got their license or someone new to the net. Either way, we’re glad to see and hear lots of new activity on the repeaters. The current topic has been “What can I do on the air as a Technician Class license holder?” We may be continuing that for several weeks judging by the participation and lots of good questions!

The September 21st TARC meeting will be held at the TCC campus (remember the battery demonstration? Same campus). Wes Lee with the Oklahoma Mesonet Network will be discussing the mesonet system and how it works. There is a mesonet site at the TCC campus. A must see if weather is your thing! Talk in is the 145.110 repeater.

Route 66 on the Air is scheduled for September 11th through the 19th. This is TARC’s chance to be on the receiving side of a pile-up. Our W6L Special Event Call has been reserved for us and the page has been updated. Keep tuned to the TARC Facebook page and the website for more info as the event gets closer.

The Tour de Tulsa was scheduled for October 2nd , but it has been CAN-CELLED FOR THIS YEAR!

Opportunities to help promote ham radio and your club!

We’re still looking for Net Control Operators and Loggers for the TARC weekly net.

If you have an idea for a program at a club meeting or for the Tuesday net, let me know! Nothing is off the table.
Check out the TARC website at and see what’s new. Pictures of the Maker fair and portable ops day have just been added and we’re looking for pictures from other TARC events. If you have some gear you’d like to buy or sell, you can do that on the website as well.
I want to thank Andrew, KI5HYC for stepping up to help the club by vol-unteering to be the Secretary for 2022. There are plenty of things to do and volunteering for just one helps us all. As my wife always says “many hands make light work!”

Our Portable Operations Day was also a success and even though there were only 3 of us (Andrew, KI5HYC and Robbie, W5RML and myself) it was a great day. We had shelter #3 with a nice breeze and an occasional cloud for additional cooling. Andrew set up his FT-818 and Buddipole vertical antenna. I set up my hamstick dipole and FT-891. There was quite a bit of activity on the bands and several con-tacts were made, but we also spent time planning and strategizing the next Portable Ops Day as well as fine tuning our equipment. This was good practice for an ARES activation or just for the next time, which could be a TARC POTA activation. And next month we also have 2 chances to work portable during Route 66 On the Air on Sept 12th (yes, it’s a Sunday afternoon) and the following Saturday, the 19th.

Maker fair and portable operations day are com-plete…for now!
Here comes Route 66 on the Air!
The Maker fair for 2021 is over and we need to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to Ann, Paul, Bart, Lloyd and Ste-ve for the work they did to make the TARC booth look great AND they handled 40 (count ’em four zero) contacts on the GOTA station. A JOB WELL DONE!!! THANK YOU!!!

Be safe, be a good friend, get on the air!

Mark WA5MA

President Tulsa Amateur Radio Club

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