TARC Minutes of Meeting – July 2023

On Tuesday, 18 July 2023 at 1900 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa.
You can download the agenda for the meeting via this link:
WA5MA introduced those officers of the club who were present then requested round-robin introductions of the company; 27 persons added their names to the attendance register, a copy of which you can download via the following link:
WA5MA asked if any club members present are not receiving the club newsletter. Nothing heard.
WA5MA asked for any questions or comments about the minutes of last month’s meeting. Nothing heard. Dave, KJ5BXB, moved to approve the minutes as written; Chuck, K5NBA, seconded; the minutes were approved by acclamation.
WA5MA asked for any questions or comments about the financial report. Paul, WB5ANX, said that the Tulsa Bicycle Club made a donation in appreciation of our assistance during their cycling events. Remell, KA6DOY, moved to approve the financials; Ky, KY5VAR, seconded; motion approved by acclamation.
WA5MA postponed news of the ARRL and ARDC grant programs due to the absence of Bart, N5TWB.
WA5MA asked Andrew, W5AWS, about club badges.
W5AWS displayed some club badges telling attendees who want a badge to send an email request to w5aws@arrl.net, or ask in person. Cost is $2 each. These members have badges ready for collection:
W5JHC, Jack KD5VSB, John KI5UGG, Steven KJ5BKB, Mac KC5BXB, Sam WA5YNE, Wayne W1PN, Ed KI5ZDE, Chris W5RAB, Bob
W5AWS yielded the floor to WA5MA.
WA5MA asked if anyone present had participated in the 13 Colonies Special Event. Remell, KA6DOY, and Mike, KI5EGH, both participated, making contact with all stations except the UK. KA6DOY said that all his contacts were via CW.
WA%MA summarized the Field Day event at Haikey Creek — since both Jack, W5JHC, and Iain, KC9THI, were absent — saying that we operated on these frequencies, making contacts as follows:
Band CW Phone Dig Total 40 0 39 93 132 20 12 109 0 121 15 0 16 0 16
WA5MA asked whether we should conduct future field days at Haikey Creek. Members present voted to do so by a show of hands, there being plenty of shade, the park open 24-hours, convenient restrooms, and more public visibility.
WA5MA said that we will reserve space at Haikey Creek for future field days.
WA5MA reported that this field day was the first operation of the new club Honda generator running on propane, paired with the generator owned by Ann, K5AEB. Steve, KF5VCQ, acquired the new generator as approved at our last meeting and converted it to propane fuel. WA5MA said that the generator ran for 24-hours on a 20lb tank of propane. Dual generators provided enough power to run the air conditioning in the Comm-1 trailer until K5AEB had to leave after dinner in the evening with her generator.
WA5MA said that while Jeff, AE5ME, operated in Comm-1, he took the opportunity to establish digital operations on the computer at Station- 2.
WA5MA asked Ky, KY5VAR, to present his Hamvee Field Day CW Event Station and talk about the new TARC CW Nervous Novice Net.
KY5VAR projected pictures of the Hamvee setup, and showed what happened when an unexpected ground-loop burned a power cable, demonstrating the value of fuses in the negative and positive wires. Stuff happens and kudos to KY5VAR for sharing his alarming moments during station setup so that we can all learn.
Rick, WD5ETD, operated QRP with a Penntek TR-45L with W5AWS and KY5VAR observing. Later in the day, Mike, KI5EGH, arrived after W5AWS departed. KY5VAR stayed overnight with his station illuminated by Tikki Torches. AE5ME continued to operate in Comm-1 until 0300 hours Sunday morning. KY5VAR said that he visited with the patrolling park ranger who was supportive of the ham radio event.
KY5VAR invited W5AWS to join him to talk about inauguration of the TARC CW Nervous Novice Net that met for the first time on Monday, 3 July 2023, at 1900 hours local. Net Control is usually Mike, KI5EGH, who provides a script to show us nervous nellies what to expect. Download the 7/17 script via this link:
KI5EGH is supported by experienced CW Ops. Remell, KA6DOY; and Rick, WD5ETD. We used SMS text messages to coordinate our activities, though beginning this week, we have started using NetLogger and the AIM window to chat. Net Control will go down the list of checked-in operators, calling each in turn, which will help us to stay on track.
Being an historic moment in recent club history, W5AWS, published an After Action Report, which you can download via this link:
W5AWS also made an audio recording of the event you can download via this link, of which only the first five minutes is particularly interesting:
Atmospheric conditions were very good that first night, not so good since then.
KY5VAR said that key-fright is a lot worse than mic-fright and related an incident when he and W5AWS were at Chandler Park operating portably with Mark, WA5MA, when KY5VAR suggested that W5AWS make a call, and W5AWS responded: “no, you make a call using your callsign”. At one point, W5AWS realised that he had just called “QC QC QC” instead of the other way around. Eventually, W5AWS made three correct calls on 20m, though nothing heard in reply. Five days later, W5AWS woke up in the morning and thought to check the Reverse Beacon network and discovered that he had been heard in Arizona and Michigan, not bad for 5W into a mag-loop antenna. See the RBN screenshot at this link:
W5AWS displayed his Penntek TR-45L Skinny, HiMound straight key, and antenna analyzer used at Chandler Park and on the net, explaining how he used it and the difficulties encountered.
W5AWS had offered his feeler-gauge key inspired by KI5EGH to KY5VAR to assist his sending. You can download build instructions via this link:
KY5VAR emphasized that the whole point of Nervous Novice Net is to support aspiring CW Ops in a low-stress friendly environment. Yesterday during the net, KI5EGH and KA6DOY had an exchange with Mark, AA0YY, in Pacific, MO, who came booming in at S9 at the QTH of W5AWS whereas conditions were very poor in the local area.
Overall, both KY5VAR and W5AWS thought they had improved by on-air struggling with CW. Certainly, the experience of coping with the vagaries of atmospherics and intent listening helps to tune the filter between one’s ears. It’s challenging and fun.
The TARC CW Nervous Novice Net is on Monday evenings at 1900 local on 7.037 MHz. Look for the net on NetLogger and join in. All are welcome.
KY5VAR yielded the floor to WA5MA.
KA6DOY asked to make a brief announcement about Ham Rescue. On Saturday, 22 July 2023, there will be a Ham Rescue event in Skiatook to assist Fred, K5LLZ, with adjustments to his tower antenna and replace a mast-antenna locking bolt.
KA6DOY yielded the floor to WA5MA.
WA5MA asked Greg, AI5HV, to talk about ham radio insurance.
AI5HV provided us with a handout, which you can download via this link:
AI5HV explained that a lightning strike to his house destroyed all the electronics therein, including his ham radio equipment. His tussle with his homeowners insurance company convinced him that there had to be a better way, which turned out to be the ARRL insurance program that is the cheapest and easiest way to get replacement cost of equipment lost, which includes supporting equipment like computers, power supplies, etc. Important with ARRL insurance is that you list the retail replacement cost including any tax and shipping costs. AI5HV’s was a cautionary tale that should make operators seriously consider specialized insurance, given the reluctance of homeowners insurance companies to pay. Overall, AI5HV said that getting ARRL insurance coverage is easy through their web-site.
AI5HV yielded the floor to WA5MA.
WA5MA reviewed the upcoming events:
Centenary of the club in 2024. Route-66 On The Air, locations to be decided later. DamJam Bike Ride will happen on Saturday, 9 Sep 2023. MS100 Bike Ride date to be determined. Maker Faire is scheduled for Saturday, 26 Aug 2023 from 1000 to 1700 hours. Steve, KF5VCQ, is making the club arrangements.
WA5MA reminded us to monitor the Superlink during severe weather, both the W5IAS Weather Watch and the WX5TUL Weather Net.
WA5MA said that the next meeting is on 15 Aug 2023 in Shelter #1 at Chandler Park where we will enjoy the annual TARC Ice Cream Social.
WA5MA passed a deck of cards listing the club logo, Superlink, and local area repeater frequencies for those present who wanted a few.
WA5MA passed a stack of club stickers to those present for anyone who wants to take a few.
WA5MA asked for a motion to adjourn: Gary, KB5L so moved; Ned, N5JHB, seconded; motion carried by stampede for the doors.
Meeting adjourned at 2020 hrs local.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=-
Posted in TARC Meeting Minutes.

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