TARC Meeting Minutes 1.17.23

On Tuesday, 17 January 2023 at 1900 hours local, in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club.

WA5MA introduced himself and the club officers present. He said that this month we will forego the round-robin introductions.

WA5MA distributed certificates of appreciation to the following persons:

W5RAB, Bob, for his long service maintaining the repeater system.
W5JHC, Jack, for upgrading & maintaining the club web-site.
W5AWS, Andrew, for comprehensive minutes of meeting.
N5TWB, Bart, for public event organizing and ice cream.
KC9THI, Ian, for organizing the HF University events.
KF5VCQ, Steve, for designing, making, & maintaining Comm-1.

WA5MA asked whether there were any objections to the minutes of last meeting. Nothing heard.

WA5MA asked for a motion to approve the minutes as written: John, NJ5Z, moved to approve the minutes; Ray, K5CFY, seconded; motion carried by
unanimous acclamation.

WA5MA asked whether there were any objections to the November 2022 financial report. Nothing heard.

WA5MA asked for a motion to approve the financial report: Ian, KC9THI, moved to approve the financials; Jack, W5JHC, seconded; motion carried by unanimous acclamation.

Jerry, KE5PMK, asked about the December 2022 financial report.

WA5MA asked whether there were any objections to the December 2022 financial report. Nothing heard.

WA5MA asked for a motion to approve the December 2022 financial report:
KC9THI moved to approve the financials; NJ5Z seconded; motion carried by unanimous acclamation.

WA5MA asked if there were any new hams present. Several hands showed themselves. WA5MA welcomed them to the club.

WA5MA yielded the floor to KC9THI for a short briefing about the HF Uni and Go boxes.

KC9THI said that in the wake of the first HF University success, we intend to delve deeper in the subject at the next event scheduled for Saturday, February 18, here in Room-3140. KC9THI said that we still have openings for presenters who would like to chat about their favorite aspects of HF operations.

KC9THI presented the idea of club-owned HF Go-kits that would be available to borrow by paid members who don’t have the space or otherwise live in a restricted residential environment, but who would otherwise like to operate portably while camping or visiting parks with enough space to erect a temporary antenna system.

KC9THI said that discussions among the club officers thought that the club could fund two units.

KC9THI said that Mark, WA5MA, produced a conceptual design built around a Yaesu FT-891 core with automatic antenna tuner, Bioenno LiFePo battery, and a portable wire antenna.

KC9THI said that the estimated cost is between $1,100 and $1,400 each for an approximate maximum total of $3,000.

From the floor, W5RAB asked why the FT-891 instead of one of the Icom 7300s from the Comm-1 trailer?

KC9THI turned to WA5MA who responded that cost, size, and durability is an issue. The FT-891 is a widely used workhorse for portable operations; it is more compact than the 7300, and more strongly built; and it is much less expensive.

From the floor, a member asked about physical security of the equipment and about the logistics of borrowing and returning.

KC9THI said that the club will need a quartermaster responsible for inventory control and management of not only the Go boxes but also the Comm-1 trailer, and the club test equipment library.

At this point we showed strong signs of getting into a lengthy discussion. W5RAB proposed that we table the issue until next month when we’ve all had a chance to contemplate the proposal; W5AWS seconded the motion.

KC9THI said that the initial parts list for the Go-kit is available for anyone interested, and yielded the floor to WA5MA.

WA5MA called upon Paul, WB5ANX, to give a brief report on progress with refitting the 443.850 repeater with new equipment.

WB5ANX said that the repeater is just about ready for burn-in testing and that we are likely to hear WB5ANX, N5DMK, and W5RAB on-air testing the system. It will replace Motorola equipment more than fifty years old.

WB5ANX thought that the new system could be operational sometime in March 2023.

WB5ANX yielded the floor to WA5MA.

WA5MA displayed some give-aways for any interested club members to take home, otherwise they are going into the trash.

WA5MA introduced Mark Kleine, N5HZR, who is the ARRL Oklahoma Section Manager.

*NOTE* Here W5AWS paraphrases N5HZR to give the gist of the presentation.

N5HZR said that the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national organization looking after the interests of the amateur radio community. ARRL is very involved with management and regulation of the radio spectrum and works with the various legislative bodies of the government, and the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).

In recent years, ARRL has become concerned about the aging ham radio population and works to re-energize the hobby and make it attractive to new licensees, especially young persons, in an age of vast technological distraction.

The ARRL has declared 2023 as the year of Volunteers On The Air (VOTA), it is an outgrowth of the mantra: “Be Radio Active”. Participation is an opportunity to score points, get awards, recognition and gain bragging rights — naturally, hamsters like bragging rights.

See this link to a full description of the program:


Participants can sign-up for a two hour slot that allows an operator to use the W1AW/5 call-sign using this link to find out how:


Operators logging for VOTA should use the Logbook of the World via this link:


N5HZR continued with a discussion of ARRL leadership opportunities.

A liaison between the club and the ARRL would report any significant happenings both to the club or to the ARRL. Anyone interested in finding out more should contact n5hzr@arrl.org.

For the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) involvement as workersor emergency coordinators, interested persons can find more information at https://aresok.org. Inside Tulsa County, Paul, WB5ANX, is the ARES Emergency Coodinator.

ARRL encourages participation with the National Traffic System.
Interested operators can find out more via this link:


Also, Mark, KG5ZZV, runs the weekly Superlink Traffic Net from 1900 to 2000 hours local, for which you can find more information via thislink:


Opportunities exist for technical specialists. For more information send email to n5hzr@arrl.org. Got a skill then share it with others.

N5HZR discussed the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act that is working its way through the House of Representatives in Washington, DC. In essence, passage of the bill would override HOA rules that preventradio operators from erecting antennas. For more information see follow this link:


For a video presentation about HB9670 by ARRL West Gulf Division Director, John Stratton, N5AUS, follow this link:


N5HZR turned to a discussion of amateur radio club-building efforts. Clubs, the ARRL has come to understand, are the backbone of the amateur radio hobby. There is a good primer about clubs available via this link:


Clubs rely on having regular presentations and programs that interest the membership. YouTube, Zoom, and other club websites are founts of information and knowledge.

Public service, demonstrations, open houses and emergency preparedness all help to generate interest in ham radio. TARC is active in many of these areas throughout the year.

N5HZR urged us to remember the 3’s, death happens after 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food, and for ham radio clubs 3 months without scheduled programs.

N5HZR fielded questions with answers then yielded the floor to WA5MA.

WA5MA thanked N5HZR to applause from the audience.

WA5MA reviewed the imminent events and contest.

A License Exam Session is scheduled at 1000 hours in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall, Satuday, 21 January 2023. Contact David, N5DMK.

Winter Field Day is scheduled for January 28 & 29 either in the grounds of the University of Tulsa or at Chandler Park; venue to be announced.

With spring weather not too far away, be prepared to monitor the Weather Watch Net on the Superlink system.

Pick a contest, any contest and get on the air.


Hunting for Parks On The Air (POTA) is a very easy way to get on the air. See this link:


WA5MA said that next month, Andrew, W5AWS, will deliver a presentation on NetLogger.

W5AWS moved to adjourn the meeting; KC9THI seconded; the meeting adjourned by mutual consent at 2035 hours.

Minutes respectfully submitted by,
Andrew, W5AWS.

Posted in TARC Meeting Minutes.

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