It’ll be good to be part of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in 2023… Here are the officers for 2023:
President – Mark Adams WA5MA (Returning)
1st Vice President – Jack Conway W5JHC (Returning)
2nd Vice President – Ian Duncan KC9THI (New)
Secretary – Andrew Shead W5AWS (Returning)
Treasurer – Jerry Weikel KE5PMK (Returning)
Public Service Liaison – Bart Pickens N5TWB (Returning)
Callsign Trustee – Gregg Wonderly W5GGW (Returning)
Newsletter Editor – Richie Shroff W5OKL (Returning)
ARES Emergency Coordinator, Tulsa County – Paul Teel WB5ANX (Returning)

As I stated in the December newsletter, 2022 was a great year for the Tul-sa Amateur Radio Club and 2023 will be no exception!
Remember these 2022 events? Look for them in 2023!

Winter Field Day, Summer Field Day, License exam sessions, Weather Watch nets, Bike rides, Maker Fair, Route 66 on the Air, replacing and testing the 443.850 repeater, Portable operations days, HF Open House, ARES SET, Scouting events, Christmas parade, Green Country Hamfest. We’re still improving the capabilities of the Comm 1 trailer and it has al-ready proved it’s a great asset to the club and to the events that we work. We have some great presentations planned for our monthly club meetings and our club membership is up to 173!
Congratulations! These things aren’t done by just one person or just a few, no way! With the increase in members there’s been an increase in activity and participation. So, congratulations to the club members for making TARC a very active and fun club and congratulations to the new and returning TARC Club Officers!
and Thank You…

I want to take a moment to give a big shout out and an even bigger thank you to Bob W5RAB!!! He’s been the 2nd Vice President for as long as I’ve been President and for many years before that. He’s coordinated monthly club meeting programs, supported many, many events with his participation and ham radio knowledge. And he’s kept the Superlink Re-peater System up and running for many, many years. Bob is now stepping down as the 2nd VP, however, he’ll still be a part of the club and he’ll still be maintaining the Superlink System and for that we are very grateful. Thank you, Bob for the years of support to the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club!!!

Now, you may be wondering…

I’d also like to introduce Ian Duncan KC9THI who is now the new 2nd VP as of January 1st. Ian recently moved here from the Chicago area and with him he’s brought a boatload of enthusiasm and good ideas for the club. In case you didn’t know, Ian was the master-mind behind the HF Open House. He’s going to be a wonderful addition to the club officer team! Thanks, Ian, for stepping up and taking on an officer position for TARC!

Thank you to the new and returning TARC Officers for stepping up and supporting TARC!

We now have a club flag!
At the November club meeting Remell KA6DOY un-veiled our new Tulsa Amateur Radio Club flag. Remell had the idea for the flag so it was fitting that he should be the one to show it the first time to the club members in attendance. We’ll have the flag fly-ing over the Comm 1 trailer at events and we can also use it as a banner when not flying.

Getting closer to replacing the 443.850 repeater… Bob W5RAB, Paul WB5ANX and David N5DMK have been working on various parts of a new repeater that’ll be replacing the current 443.850 repeater.

They’re getting closer to the new repeater being on-line. Just in time for storm season!

The ARRL Foundation Clubs Grant Pro-gram…
Bart N5TWB has submitted the club proposal to the ARRL and is awaiting approval. The ARRL grants can provide up to $25,000 to a club for any projects that they may be working on or would like to do. He’s currently writing a proposal that will be submitted to ARDC.

Got an idea for a club project? Send it to us so we can add it to the list.

TARC Grant Project

In case you missed it…
The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Christmas Party was December 20th at 6 pm at the Golden Corral restaurant, 71st and Mingo. We had a small hiccup with the Golden Corral management scheduling their Christmas Party the same night and they wanted to close the restaurant at 6:30. I am truly sorry if you got turned away at the door or if you couldn’t make it for other reasons. It was attended by about 25 members and a few spouses. It was great to celebrate the holiday sea-son with other club members, have some good food, some Christmas fun and our usual raffle. Bart N5TWB had a lineup of nice gifts for the raffle. Pictures were posted on the TARC Face-book page as well as the club website,
The next regular club meeting of the Tulsa Am-ateur Radio Club is January 17th 2023 at TU’s

Keplinger Hall room 3140. The presentation has yet to be determined.
As always, monitor the Superlink Repeater System when severe weather is forecast…
As we’ve seen recently, storm season can be year-round, so please monitor the Superlink System for the Weather Watch net when severe weather is forecast. Frequencies for the repeater in your area can be found at, click on Repeaters and scroll down to TARC: Wide-Area Link System.

Coming to the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in 2024…
2024 will be the 100-year anniversary of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club. I know it’s more than a year away, but we can start planning now. It’ll be here be-fore you know it! Got any ideas about how we can celebrate? Maybe a special event station? Ham ban-quet? What’s your idea?
We’re still looking for Net Control Operators and Loggers for the Tuesday night TARC Net. We’re us-ing NetLogger more now for check ins so if you’d like to give it a try let us know and we’ll be happy to show you how easy it is and how you can help your club stay strong and active. Start small and when you feel comfortable, move on up to other events. No pres-sure…just fun doing ham radio!

Every month is a contest month…
Pick a Contest…any Contest!
Try POTA or SOTA! Call CQ! Go to a local park and get on the air!
Go to, click Contest Calendar, scroll to Contest Corral, click on the month you want to check.

Upcoming contests…
I’ll be working the ARRL RTTY Roundup on January 7th and 8th and the North American QSO Party on the 21st and 22nd. Winter Field Day is January 28th and 29th. Watch the website and Facebook page for event information and location. (Weather permitting.)

Portable Operations…
This was my portable setup at Chandler Park on Thursday, December 29th with Andrew W5AWS. We decided to take advantage of the nice weather and do some portable operating. We typically don’t make a lot of contacts (as was the case this day, too), but we enjoy the practice of setting up antennas and radios. If we make a contact or two along the way, that’s justicing on the cake! Here’s a couple pictures of my setup.
I wish I had the BIG antenna on the right!

Be safe, Be a good friend, Get on the air!
Mark WA5MA
President – Tulsa Amateur Radio Club

Posted in President's Corner.

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