TARC Meeting Minutes – June 2022

On Tuesday, 21 June 2022 at 1900 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called the
Tulsa Amateur Radio Club meeting to order in Room-3140 of Keplinger
Hall at the University of Tulsa.

WA5MA introduced the club officers present then requested round-robin
introductions of the members present.

WA5MA asked whether anyone doesn’t receive the newsletter. One person
identified was added to the distribution by Jack, W5JHC.

WA5MA asked for any questions or comments about the minutes of last
month’s meeting. Nothing heard. Paul, WB5ANX, moved to approve the
minutes as written; Jack, W5JHC, seconded; the minutes were approved by

WA5MA asked for any questions or comments about the financial report.
Jerry, KE5PMK, said that fifteen members had not yet paid their club
dues; they will be removed from the roster if the dues remain unpaid at
the end of June. KE5PMK said that membership this year is 143, double
what it was four years ago. There being no further comments, Bob,
W5RAB, moved to accept the financials; Matthew, NR0Q, seconded the
motion, which was approved by general acclamation.

WA5MA said that he has T-shirts for those who purchased them, and that
they should fetch them from him before leaving the meeting.

WA5MA yielded the floor to Jack, W5JHC, who explained the plan for
Field Day this coming weekend June 25/26, with the help of a slide

W5JHC said the we need budget approval. A discussion among the members
present reached agreement for a budget of $1,200. KE5PMK noted that in
previous years we had fewer members and that given the level of
activity this year then the budget is correspondingly higher. Remell,
KA6DOY, moved to approve the budget number; Ray, K5CFY, seconded the
motion; the motion was approved by general acclamation.

W5JHC discussed the schedule of events and asked for volunteers to fill
the few vacancies in the schedule.

Gregg, W5GGW, said that under the current rules hamsters can continue
to operate from home using their own call-signs after leaving Chandler
Park, having any points they collect attributed to the club total for
the day. W5GGW recommended reviewing the rules.

During Field Day, the club call-sign will be W5OK.

We agreed that the club will operate in the 7A contact class. During
discussion, Matthew, NR0Q, said that we can reduce the number of
operators whereas we cannot increase above the planned number.

W5JHC explained the area of operations at Chandler Park and the 500′
radius zone of safety, and the operating plan.

Mark, KG5ZZV, said that he plans to act as Net Controller for National
Traffic System (NTS) operations and coordinate with the extended hours
of the 7290 traffic net. KG5ZZV encouraged demonstration of message

W5GGW explained logging with the N3FJP Field Day logger v6.6.3.
available for download from www.n3fjp.com.

W5GGW said that WiFi access to Starlink will be available through three
wireless FD2022 access points. W5GGW will be available for tech.

WB5ANX said that he will be available all day to assist anyone with
programming handheld radios.

W5JHC yielded the floor and the projector to Bart, N5TWB, who explained
the ARRL Grant Program.

N5TWB said that the grant submission deadline is no later than June 30
and that any idea is welcome.

N5TWB shared the state of the grant application thus far, and said
further that there will be other opportunities to apply for ARRL grants
in future.

N5TWB thanked the members present for their contributions during the
discussion and yielded the floor to WA5MA.

WA5MA asked whether there was any other business.

W5RAB said since he promised during a previous meeting to help Mike
Shelton, KG5YKM, to install repeaters for the Boy Scouts, he had done
so. W5RAB and KG5YKM installed a repeater for General Mobile Radio
Service (GMRS) operation at John Zink Scout Ranch where there were
rangers who had operator licenses. Installation included control

W5RAB said that the rangers and staff were very impressed by the
operational capabilities. Having worked with W5RAB, KG5YKM had enough
confidence to install a similar system at Tom Hale Scout Ranch by
himself where there are rangers with GMRS operator licenses.

W5RAB said that the GMRS system is proof of concept and what the Scouts
really need is a commercial license with repeater, control stations,
and radios.

When asked, W5RAB said that he donated the GMRS repeaters to the

W5RAB yielded the floor to WA5MA.

WA5MA asked about updates for the recent biking events.

W5RAB said that he installed a new digipeater tuned to the new
frequency 145.09.

WB5ANX that the event organizers were very happy with the club
involvement. The Tulsa Tough event had 1,100 registrants that made for
a busy day.

N5TWB said that there was a vehicle-bike interaction on a reroute in
Prattville. Apparently, a lady in a car turned in a residential area
and struck a cyclist.

W5GGW warned about the club taking directions from commercial entities
while providing Safety And Gear (SAG) coverage of events because it
could be construed as a violation of amateur radio rules and

WA5MA reminded the club that we will be doing a preview of the Field
Day site at Chandler Park beginning at 6 p.m. Friday 6/24.

WA5MA reminded the club that the next event after Field Day is the
Oklahoma City Hamfest.

There being no further business, W5RAB moved to adjourn the meeting;
W5GGW seconded; we adjourned the meeting at 2030 hours local time.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Andrew, W5AWS, Secretary.

Posted in TARC Meeting Minutes.

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