Mark & Jack, The log for the net this evening is attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20230829-TARC-Net-Checkins.pdf 20230829-TARC-Net-Checkins.log
TARC Net Check-in Log 8.23.23
Gents, The log for the net this evening is attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20230822-TARC-Net-Checkins.log 20230822-TARC-Net-Checkins.pdf
Know someone who would like to get their Ham license or upgrade to General or Extra… Your chance is coming up on August 5th, 10 AM at TU’s Keplinger Hall Room 3140 (same location as our monthly club meetings). David N5DMK and the TARC VE team do a fantastic job of running the exam sessions and can have you in and out with a new license or upgrade in less than 2 hours. If you miss this one your next chance to attend a license exam session will be October 7th. Start studying today!!! Do you like the new TARC […]
TARC Net Check-in Log
The check-in log for the net tonight is attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20230808-TARC-Net-CheckIns.pdf 20230808-TARC-Net-CheckIns.log
TARC History: November 1933
A report of the West Gulf Division convention held in Tulsa, OK, at the Alvin Hotel. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 64cfd69b4fd5c.pdf
TARC Centenary History
An article appeared in the May 2006 edition of QST: “Tulsa Hams Respond to Hurricane Katrina and Human Storm Surge”, see the file attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 64cee76036ca2.pdf
TARC Net Check-in Log 8.1.23
Gents, The check-in log for the net this evening is attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20230801-TARC-Net-Checkins.pdf 20230801-TARC-Net-Checkins.log
TARC Minutes of Meeting – July 2023
On Tuesday, 18 July 2023 at 1900 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa. You can download the agenda for the meeting via this link: WA5MA introduced those officers of the club who were present then requested round-robin introductions of the company; 27 persons added their names to the attendance register, a copy of which you can download via the following link: WA5MA asked if any club members present are not receiving the club newsletter. Nothing heard. WA5MA asked for […]
TARC Net Check-in Log 7.25.23
The check-in log for the net this evening is attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- TARC-Net-Checkins-20230725.log