We need DOOR GREETERS to be stationed at the front & back doors of the Expo to check folks coming in and out as well as be helpful info posts. Greeters should be wearing ARES Deployment vests and have an approved ID badge. Any volunteer that helps as a greeter for at least two (2) hours will be entered to win this year’s Volunteer Prize. This year’s volunteer prize will be a gift certificate for $150.00. Please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn’t work) to go to the signup sheet: volunteersignup.org/RY8YA […]
Category Archives: Ham News
Oklahoma Parks On The Air (OKPOTA)
Put April 19th and 20th, 2025, on your calendar for the next Oklahoma Parks On The Air (OKPOTA) day. The POTA concept has taken the country by storm, and hams of all types are getting interested in the program. While every day can be a POTA day, we’re going to try to get Oklahoma on the map by activating as many of the 164 parks in Oklahoma over the weekend. And by getting as many Oklahoma POTA Hunters on the bands as possible. Activations will run from 0000Z on April 19th through 2359Z on April 20th. (7:00 PM CDT Friday through […]
*** Repeater Outage on SL network ***
The Stillwater repeater on the SuperLink system is off the air. Cause is undetermined at this point. That means the Guthrie repeater will not be linked to the SL system tonight and until it’s fixed. The Guthrie repeater continues to operate as an un-linked repeater locally.
SM049 – Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act Re-Introduced
Legislation Will Increase Communication Options During Natural Disasters WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Roger Wicker, R-Miss., and Richard Blumenthal, D- Conn., and Representatives August Pfluger, R-Tex., and Joe Courtney, D-Conn. announced their joint re-introduction of legislation in the Senate and House to restore the right to Amateur Radio operators to install the antennas necessary to serve their communities. Here in Oklahoma, we ask all amateur radio clubs and individuals to visit https://ok.arrl.org/hoa/. This page has all of our contact information and template letters. Please note that all letters should be sent to the email and address listed. Letters emailed to legislators tend to […]
Green Country Hamfest Oklahoma DX Association DX DINNER
Announcement: Green Country Hamfest Oklahoma DX Association DX Dinner This year, on Friday evening April 11, 2025, the Green Country Hamfest and the Oklahoma DX Association are Co-Sponsoring a DX Dinner. We are pleased to announce that Dave Jorgensen – WD5COV will be our featured speaker. Dave has been a member of numerous high-profile DXpeditions including: 7O6T – Yemen, VP8STI – S. Sandwich, VP8SGI – S. Georgia, 3D2C – Conway, E30FB – Eritrea, 9M0W – Spratly, ZK3A – Tokelau, 3Y0J – Bouvet, TX5S – Clipperton, and many others. Dave will do a presentation on the 3Y0J – Bouvet and […]
Tulsa County Assistant Emergency Coordinator
January 6, 2025 For immediate release: Mark Adams, WA5MA, appointed Tulsa County Assistant Emergency Coordinator I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Adams, WA5MA, as ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator (AEC) for Tulsa County. While living in California, Mark was a member of the RACES organization for many years supporting the City of Corona with communications, DUI checkpoints, EOC activations, aerial ATV, and staffing the mobile command vehicle. First licensed in 1986 as N6MWH he changed to WA5MA when he moved to Oklahoma. Mark has been an active member of Tulsa ARES and the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps for […]
Expanding Your DMR CodePlug Using Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide
By Dr. Greg Meador AI5HV Unlock the full potential of your DMR radio by learning how to efficiently expand your CodePlug using Excel! In this video, we’ll walk you through the process of managing and expanding your CodePlug with ease, ensuring you have all the necessary channels and contacts at your fingertips. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced HAM operator, this tutorial will simplify the complexities of DMR programming and help you customize your setup like a pro. Don’t forget to subscribe for more HAM radio tips and tricks! The link to the BridgeCom Systems Live Stream video that […]
QST…QST…QST! The broken antenna has been replaced!!!
If you were at the September TARC meeting, then you know we had an issue with our 145.170 repeater antenna. If you see the attached picture, then you know something isn’t quite right. Yes, those two antennas should NOT be touching and that was causing some static to the vertical antenna that belongs to the 443.850 Superlink Hub repeater. After a lively discussion about the issue, what may have caused it, what could happen if it’s not repaired and what is needed to replace it, the club approved one of the two bids that we received for a like for […]
ARRL: Hurricane Milton – Storm Updates 10.9
10/09/2024 ARRL.org Wednesday, October 9, 2024 1:30 PM Eastern Update: Amateur radio operators are in service across the State of Florida ahead of Hurricane Milton’s landfall. The Hurricane Watch Net is active on 14.325.00 MHz (USB) and 7.268.00 MHz (LSB). The VoIP Hurricane Net is active on *WX_TALK* Echolink conference node: 7203/IRLP 9219 system and other VoIP radio systems via the KC5FM-R node is supporting WX4NHC, the amateur radio station at the National Hurricane Center in Miami Florida. The Florida SARNET has been placed in a restricted net condition to ensure traffic can flow as needed. The net is limited […]
TARC Discord Channel
Look no further to join the chat online! Discord Division