WOW, it’s now April!!! What have you done so far this year with ham radio? Let us know and if you can write about a project you’re working on or a ham radio experi-ence you’ve had, we can put it in the newsletter and the W5IAS website for others to read. Here’s what you missed at the March club meeting… At the last club meeting I asked for a discussion about prorating member-ship dues, which fall on April 1. The proposal placed before the members was that anyone joining the club and paying the annual membership fee before October 31st […]
Category Archives: About Us
TARC Boy Scouts Merit Badge
Paul (WB5ANX) and myself (W5JHC) had the pleasure and honor to host a radio merit badge for Troop 199 out of Oologah Ok during two of their Monday meetings! This was one of the firsts for the TARC communication trailer and went off without a hitch and had 9 scouters practice their skills and discuss the topic of Amateur Radio. I hope one day to do a larger scale merit badge for the council so that we can work on growing the younger population to the hobby. What amazed both Paul and I was that they were really interested in […]
TARC Monthly Meeting Minutes for March 2022
Mark, WA5MA, called the meeting to order at 1900 hours local. WA5MA asked whether there were any questions about the minutes of the previous meeting. Nothing heard. Paul, WB5ANX, moved to approve the minutes as written; Jerry KE5PMK, seconded the motion; and the motion was approved by general acclamation. WA5MA asked for any questions about the financial report. Nothing heard. Ray, K5CFY, moved to approve the financials; David, KI5PBP, seconded the motion; carried by general acclamation. WA5MA said that club membership renewal is due on April 1. Jerry, KE5PMK, said that he is already started receiving dues via Paypal. WA5MA […]
Membership Renewal Time!!
It’s time for membership renewals! Take a quick moment to see if your name is on this list and if you see your membership expiring in 2023, then it’s time to start the renewal process. We have made this process easy for those that just want to pay online! Just click the link below to send in your credit card payment via paypal! If you still want to snail mail the check to us that is ok too! Follow the link below to fill out the form to send in with your check! QUICK NOTE: The proposal placed before the […]
TARC Monthly Meeting Minutes for February 2022
By Andrew, W5AWS Mark, WA5MA, convened the monthly meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room 2005 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa on Tuesday, 15 February 2022, calling the meeting to order at 1900 hours local time. President, WA5MA, identified the club officers pre-sent at the meeting: First Vice President, Jack, W5JHC; Second Vice President, Bob, W5RAB; Sec-retary, Andrew, W5AWS; Trustee & Chief Operator, Gregg, W5GGW; Public Service Liaison Officer, Bart, N5TWB; Treasurer & Membership Committee Chair, Jerry, KE5PMK; and News Letter Editor, Richie, W5OKL. WA5MA initiated round-robin introductions of mem-bers present. WA5MA asked for questions […]
WOW, it’s already March!!! What have you done so far this year with ham radio? Let us know or if you can write about a project you’re working on or a ham radio experi-ence you’ve had, we can put it in the newsletter and the W5IAS website for others to read and learn about. If you missed the February club meeting you missed a great presentation by Paul WB5ANX. He’s an experienced scanner listener and he gave us some outstanding information about the scanner hobby and how it over-laps the ham radio hobby. If you want to see the presentation, […]
Video – January Tarc Meeting Presentation
Miss the January meeting and want to see what Jeff Scovile AE5ME was talking about on WINLINK, VaraFm, & MORE? Well we have the video below!
Video – January Meeting 2022
Unable to make the January meeting, well you can check the meeting minutes, newsletter, or just watch the video!
Jackery Explorer 1000
Recently I purchased a Jackery Explorer 1000. Ive been running a few experiments to see what I would be able to run at home, and one of them was to see how well things performed using the Jackery to power the ham gear. So, on TWOsday, 2/22/22 (sorry – I had to throw that one in) I tuned into the TARC net using the Jackery for power. The radio equipment I have is an Icom 7100 with an Alinco DM-330MV power supply (see attached). The power supply, by itself, pulls about 10 watts of power on average. Turning on […]
Scanners & Ham Radio
Tonight at the TARC meeting Paul Teel ( WB5ANX * talked about scanners and Ham radio. Attached to this is a copy of the PDF file he was referencing. Scanners and Ham Radio Feb 2022