Sand Springs Christmas Parade 2022

Written By: Andrew, W5AWS We were seven marshals for the Sand Springs Christmas Parade: Bart, N5TWB; Mark, WA5MA; Remell, K6DOY; Mike, KI5EGH; Kenny, KC5MJE;Paul, KE5EHM ; and Andrew, W5AWS. There were 105 floats divided into ten divisions. N5TWB was net control on the 145.110 repeater, and assigned us to our places along the staging area. As usual, things became more chaotic towards commencement of the parade, but things went smoothly with everyone in position within five minutes of start. There was a chill wind earlier that declined as the sun set and the skies cleared. Good to be with the […]

Dam Jam 2022

By: Paul Teel WB5ANX Dam Jam 2022 was a huge success.  This was the 31st year of a widely supported bike event in North East Oklahoma.  25 ham volunteers provided the communications and safety support.  We had really great weather too.  In the pictures are the group photo, a pic of the command post trailer with ~45 ft mast in the background, NCO’s Dustin and Austin, APRS NCO’s Paul and Ben, and one of the APRS operations trucks that helped set up the digipeaters for the day.  We also had 5 ham ride-alongs this year learning the ropes of what […]

2022 Tulsa Tough Recap & Photos

Paul Teel WB5ANX writes: I have been reviewing the Tulsa Tough Saturday stats from my log and notes. Command Post operational and on air at 0700 Over 1100 rider registrations for Saturday First riders (ACE) were away at 0730 Last rider across finish at 1720 (net control concluded) Over 211 communication exchanges with net control from SAG’s (0730 – 1720) First flat was 18 min into the ride First cramps reported by 0958 39 rider assists/mechanicals (17 flats fixed) 35 riders & bikes transported via SAGs back to finish. 3 separate incidents where EMS was involved (2 riders transported to […]

TARC Media Advisory : 2022 ARRL Field Day — June 25 – 26

2022 ARRL Field Day — June 25 – 26  Ham Radio Operators On the Air for Nationwide Event June 25 – 26   Hello! You have made this email blast as a public office, media, or someone that might find our event interesting enough to spread the word. We also gain points for being involved in the community and having great people like yourself show up and take some photos, so if you could spare a few moments for a visit on June 25 during noon-5pm we would greatly appreciate it! Below I have included a schedule of events and some […]

SAG Thanks!

Special thanks to the below operators that helped support the Copland Classic bike ride on Saturday! KI5EGH, WB5ANX, WB5VST, KD5VSB, KE5URF, KE5EHM, W5JHC, KI5HAE, N5WCW, KG5YBH, KC9THI, N5DMK, W0JNB, KI5QHM, KE5GOL, N5DGF Tulsa Tough is in just a few weeks! If you would like to help volunteer SAG please register at the link below!

Amateur radio operators help keep cyclists safe during Tour de Tulsa

Big thank you to all the operators that helped make this bike ride a success! N5TWB, WB5ANX, WB5VST, NR0Q, WA5MA, WB5TSI, KD5VSB, KI5EGH, KE5PMK, W5JHC, KE5URF, KE5EHM, WB5VST, N5DMK, KI5URK, W5AWS . Take a minute to watch the video below from our friends at Fox 23. We have another bike ride coming up so please let us know if you are interested in helping!