WOW, it’s now April!!! What have you done so far this year with ham radio? Let us know and if you can write about a project you’re working on or a ham radio experi-ence you’ve had, we can put it in the newsletter and the W5IAS website for others to read. Here’s what you missed at the March club meeting… At the last club meeting I asked for a discussion about prorating member-ship dues, which fall on April 1. The proposal placed before the members was that anyone joining the club and paying the annual membership fee before October 31st […]


WOW, it’s already March!!! What have you done so far this year with ham radio? Let us know or if you can write about a project you’re working on or a ham radio experi-ence you’ve had, we can put it in the newsletter and the W5IAS website for others to read and learn about. If you missed the February club meeting you missed a great presentation by Paul WB5ANX. He’s an experienced scanner listener and he gave us some outstanding information about the scanner hobby and how it over-laps the ham radio hobby. If you want to see the presentation, […]


Happy February!!! Did you come up to Chandler Park and operate Winter Field Day? Did you operate from home? Have you participated in any contests, contacted any POTA stations or Special Event Stations? Have you started any ham radio projects or been working on your radio and antenna? We had our first license exam session on January 29th and Bruce now has his Tech license, KN6SPB. He’s already applied for a vanity callsign and absolutely loves this ham radio hobby. You’ll be hearing and seeing a lot from him. Congratulations to the others that successfully upgraded, too. A special thank […]


Happy New Year!!! A year ago this was written as my first Presidents Corner. I thought that maybe this needed repeating to reflect on what we were looking forward to. As we near the end of the year, I hope we’ll have a lot of things to look forward to in 2021! All the Hamfests, lots of public service events, face to face meetings, a normal Field Day and ice cream social, a Christmas Party and much more. While thumbing through Facebook the other day, I came across this and I wanted to share. It made me stop and think […]


Here we are… The end of the year and it’s been an awesome year! We started out the year having our monthly meetings on the air and finally over the summer we started to meet again in person in the Keplinger Hall parking lot…not indoors, but better than what we’ve had to do for the last year and a half. At that first parking lot meeting we got to see the TARC Comm Trailer. It’s a work in progress, but it sure looks good and it’s very functional. We used it for the bike rides, Field Day, Route 66 on […]

The President’s Corner November 2021

We had our first indoor meeting in almost 2 years on October 19th. We were assigned room 2005, which to my surprise was the same room that we had our last meeting in almost 2 years ago. There were about 30 hams in attendance and we were able to complete our regular club business of approving the previous meeting minutes and the club financials. We did a review and wrap up of some recent events such as Route 66 on the Air, Boy Scouts Camporee and JOTA. I let everyone know that club officer nominations for 2022 will take place […]

The Presidents Corner – October 2021

There goes Route 66 on the Air! As of this writing, Route 66 on the Air for 2021 is in the log and we’ve made 1222 hams very happy because they’ve got W6L in their log. We’ve already mailed back over 50 W6L QSL cards and after my last trip to the PO Box, there’s another 50 or so to mail. We made contacts using FT8, CW and SSB. This year the hot bands were 80, 40 and 20 meters. If you participated this year, many thanks for getting Tulsa back on the map. If you have a log that […]

The President’s Corner – July 2021

Field Day 2021…One for the books!!! Last years’ Field Day was…well…you know…kinda discouraging. This years’ Field Day was a record breaker. Lots of activity and many showing up to see what a TARC Field Day looks like. If you weren’t there…you missed a good one. We thought it might be a washout with the rain and thunderstorms, but it quit about 10 AM and only delayed setup an hour or so. After a few hours of partly cloudy skies the clouds took over and it was a very pleas-ant afternoon, except for one brief shower. The TARC Comm trailer was […]

President’s Corner

It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature… After a year of no club meetings, we were on track to have our first in person club meeting on Tuesday, April 20th. Well, like I said, it’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature. We had a real cold snap and some rain earlier in the day so we had to postpone the in person meeting until our May monthly meeting. Mark your calendar for our in person meeting on May 18th at 7:00 PM. As before, we’ll have the TARC Comm trailer available at 6:00 PM for tours. The TARC […]

President’s Corner

Can you believe it?   After a year of no club meetings, we’re on track to have our first in per-son club meeting on Tuesday, April 20th. A short survey done during the March 16th weekly net showed that the majority of us are ready for an in person meeting. The location is still to be determined. Keep checking the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Facebook for the details. The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Weekly Net is going strong and thanks to some really good presentations by Ron KB5VDB, Mark KG5ZZV and Bart N5TWB a lot of hams are checking in […]