President – Mark Adams, WA5MA (Returning) 1st Vice President – Jack Conway, W5JHC (Returning) 2nd Vice President – Ian Duncan, KC9THI (New) Secretary – Andrew Shead, W5AWS (Returning) Treasurer – Jerry Weikel, KE5PMK (Returning) Public Service Liaison – Bart Pickens, N5TWB (Returning) Callsign Trustee – Gregg Wonderly, W5GGW (Returning) Newsletter Editor – Richie Shroff, W5OKL (Returning) ARES Emergency Coordinator, Tulsa County – Paul Teel, WB5ANX (Returning) In case you missed it… Winter Field Day Was quite the success! Even with the cool temperatures and gusty winds there was a good turnout. Steve KF5VCQ brought out the TARC Comm 1 trailer […]
Category Archives: President’s Corner
It’ll be good to be part of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in 2023… Here are the officers for 2023: President – Mark Adams WA5MA (Returning) 1st Vice President – Jack Conway W5JHC (Returning) 2nd Vice President – Ian Duncan KC9THI (New) Secretary – Andrew Shead W5AWS (Returning) Treasurer – Jerry Weikel KE5PMK (Returning) Public Service Liaison – Bart Pickens N5TWB (Returning) Callsign Trustee – Gregg Wonderly W5GGW (Returning) Newsletter Editor – Richie Shroff W5OKL (Returning) ARES Emergency Coordinator, Tulsa County – Paul Teel WB5ANX (Returning) As I stated in the December newsletter, 2022 was a great year for the […]
It’s been a GREAT year for the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club!!!… Let me count the ways… Winter Field Day, Summer Field Day, License exam session, Weather Watch net, Bike rides, Maker Fair, Route 66 on the Air, replacing the 443.850 repeater, Portable operations days, HF Open House, ARES SET, Scouting events, Christmas parade. We’re still working on the Comm 1 trailer and it has already proved it’s a great asset to the club and to the events that we work. We’ve had some great presentations at our monthly club meetings and our club membership is up to 171! Congratulations! Those […]
President’s Corner Nov 2022
We’re getting close to the end of the year… and it’s time for nominations and elections of club officers for 2023! If you are interested in helping your club by being nominated for an officer position, please e mail Steve KF5VCQ or just show up at the November meeting and have someone nominate you. Even if you’re not interested in serving as a club officer, please make sure you’re at the November meeting so you can vote and support those who have been elected to serve the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club. In case you missed it… At our last TARC […]
Presidents Corner Oct 2022
In case you missed it… Things in the amateur radio world here in Tulsa are starting to wind down just a little bit. On September 10th TARC helped with the DamJam bike ride in the Pryor area, up around Lake Hudson and Grand Lake areas. It was a beau-tiful day and you can see some of the prettiest scenery in Oklahoma in that area. We had an early start at Pryor High School arriving at 6:30 AM, grabbed our APRS units and after a quick briefing we all headed out to our designated positions on the course. The only problem, […]
Presidents Corner Sept 2022
Just in case you missed it Last month was the TARC Ice Cream Social. It was a warm no, hot evening and you know that hot weather and ice cream don’t get along to-gether very well. Fortunately, Bart had all the ice cream cups on dry ice and so when you grabbed your favorite flavor out of the ice chest it was rock solid. Didn’t take long to melt a little bit and it sure tasted good. We had 19 in attendance and if the weather had been just a little cooler (ok, maybe 100 instead of 103) a few […]
Have you been monitoring the Superlink System lately? If you have then you know that there’s been some low power/low volume issues on the 443.850 repeater. This repeater is one of 16 linked repeaters that provide service to the Northeast Oklahoma, Southeast Kansas and Northwest Ar-kansas areas for those times when severe weather rolls through. Fortunately, this has been a fairly mild storm season and there have not been too many occasions for the Weather Watch or the WX5TUL Weather Net to be activated. However, because of the large coverage area of the Superlink System, it does get a lot […]
Did you go to this years’ TARC Field Day or did you miss it? Yes, I know it was hot and humid, but it was still one of the best Field Days that I’ve been to in a long time. There were 43 participants repre-senting 5 different clubs including the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club and we had 13 visitors including Mark Conklin N7XYO ARRL Oklahoma Section Emergency Coordinator and Mark Kleine N5HZR ARRL Okla-homa Section Manager. Check out the w5ias website for pictures of this years’ event. If you missed Field Day 2022 you missed a good one. There were […]
Sorry I missed the May meeting…but Jack did a great job filling in for me! Thanks Jack! The current roster on the website shows that there are 153 paid members. Most are paid through April 2023, a few are paid through 2024 and some are paid beyond that. I say this for 2 reasons. 1) You have until Field Day to pay your dues or you will be removed from the roster and your access to the website. 2) We are an active and thriving club! Some clubs would love to have half of the membership that makes up the […]
Here’s what you missed at the April club meeting… We’re now meeting in Room 3140 and by a vote of acclamation, every-one liked the chairs better. Hi Hi! This is a bigger room and with the in-crease in attendance we’re going to need the extra space. Here’s a list of past dates with the number of TARC members. 4/2021 = 89 members 6/2021 = 99 members 1/2022 = 112 members 2/2022 = 119 members 3/2022 = 128 members 4/2022 = 144 members You are part of a growing and active club!!! A wrap up of Green Country Hamfest… Richie, W5OKL, […]