Recently I purchased a Jackery Explorer 1000. Ive been running a few experiments to see what I would be able to run at home, and one of them was to see how well things performed using the Jackery to power the ham gear. So, on TWOsday, 2/22/22 (sorry – I had to throw that one in) I tuned into the TARC net using the Jackery for power. The radio equipment I have is an Icom 7100 with an Alinco DM-330MV power supply (see attached). The power supply, by itself, pulls about 10 watts of power on average. Turning on […]
Category Archives: Member Corner
Scanners & Ham Radio
Tonight at the TARC meeting Paul Teel ( WB5ANX * talked about scanners and Ham radio. Attached to this is a copy of the PDF file he was referencing. Scanners and Ham Radio Feb 2022
Happy February!!! Did you come up to Chandler Park and operate Winter Field Day? Did you operate from home? Have you participated in any contests, contacted any POTA stations or Special Event Stations? Have you started any ham radio projects or been working on your radio and antenna? We had our first license exam session on January 29th and Bruce now has his Tech license, KN6SPB. He’s already applied for a vanity callsign and absolutely loves this ham radio hobby. You’ll be hearing and seeing a lot from him. Congratulations to the others that successfully upgraded, too. A special thank […]
TARC Meeting Minutes January 18, 2022
Mark, WA5MA called the meeting to order at 1900 hours in room 2005 at Keplinger Hall, University of Tulsa. WA5MA introduced the new club officers for 2022: 1st VP, Jack W5JHC; and Secretary, Andrew W5AWS. WA5MA asked for round-robin introductions. Our December meeting was the Christmas Dinner for which there were no minutes. WA5MA asked for any questions about the November minutes of meeting. Nothing heard. Paul, WB5ANX, moved to approve the minutes; Russ, KF5UZG, seconded. WA5MA asked for any questions about the November financial report, recognizing the absence of Treasurer Jerry, KE5PMK. Nothing heard. Gregg, W5GGW, moved to approve […]
Happy New Year!!! A year ago this was written as my first Presidents Corner. I thought that maybe this needed repeating to reflect on what we were looking forward to. As we near the end of the year, I hope we’ll have a lot of things to look forward to in 2021! All the Hamfests, lots of public service events, face to face meetings, a normal Field Day and ice cream social, a Christmas Party and much more. While thumbing through Facebook the other day, I came across this and I wanted to share. It made me stop and think […]
New Pictures Posted
Check out the Photo Gallery! Pictures of the first club meeting at TU in almost 2 years and pictures of the TARC Christmas Party.
W5AWS Dual-Band Slim-Jim Antenna
Hearing good quality communications from a station using an N9TAX Labs ( Slim-Jim Dual-Band antenna for 2 m & 70 cm during a TARC Net, and considering the good words said about the antenna by Jack, W5JHC, and Mark, WA5MA, I decided to acquire and test one myself, the Slim-Jim being relatively inexpensive. Another aspect of this test was to prove that erecting the antenna is easy and can be done anywhere that the antenna can be hung from one end. Read more about my experience here.
Here we are… The end of the year and it’s been an awesome year! We started out the year having our monthly meetings on the air and finally over the summer we started to meet again in person in the Keplinger Hall parking lot…not indoors, but better than what we’ve had to do for the last year and a half. At that first parking lot meeting we got to see the TARC Comm Trailer. It’s a work in progress, but it sure looks good and it’s very functional. We used it for the bike rides, Field Day, Route 66 on […]
Tape Measure VHF/UHF Yagi Antenna
Content & photos from our friends at One of the most fun amateur antenna projects is a PVC measuring tape antenna. The flexible measuring tapes make it easy to transport, and the PVC comes apart to make it even easier to carry. This type of antenna works well for direction finding in games like a fox hunt or when you need just a little more gain to hit the repeater. This design is an adaptation of the wb2hol tape measure project. Joe’s site has many details regarding the derivation, pattern, and gain properties of this antenna. Materials Needed 6′ WI-FI […]
CQ Santa NET
CQ Santa Net