Nov 11 NTS Net

We had 9 check-ins, passed one piece of traffic.  As I took the traffic and AE5ME did find me after the net (he was driving in from out of town during the net), I passed the message on to him after the Tulsa ARES net ended.  He will then send via WinLink toward the Dallas Local Net representative who will deliver the message on-air probably on the early net in Dallas on Friday evening.  Had that opportunity not been available, I would have taken the message to the 7290 Traffic net, which I join weekly on 7290 LSB from 10am […]


Busy net tonight. 10 check-ins. 3 pieces of traffic listed by three different individuals. Of those messages, two were passed on toward their destination. One station sending traffic to the North Texas STM (section traffic manager) in response to his trivia game. Good stuff! Thanks to everyone who participated. Everyone is always welcome.

The President’s Corner November 2021

We had our first indoor meeting in almost 2 years on October 19th. We were assigned room 2005, which to my surprise was the same room that we had our last meeting in almost 2 years ago. There were about 30 hams in attendance and we were able to complete our regular club business of approving the previous meeting minutes and the club financials. We did a review and wrap up of some recent events such as Route 66 on the Air, Boy Scouts Camporee and JOTA. I let everyone know that club officer nominations for 2022 will take place […]

National Weather Festival 2021

The first-ever virtual National Weather Festival took place from October 26-31, 2020, and it was an immense success!  Providing digital content via our website gave participants across the entire world the chance to attend our festival, and although we were unable to celebrate in person, we were able to host over 150,000 of you! We are coming back to the virtual world October 25-30, 2021! More Info

The Presidents Corner – October 2021

There goes Route 66 on the Air! As of this writing, Route 66 on the Air for 2021 is in the log and we’ve made 1222 hams very happy because they’ve got W6L in their log. We’ve already mailed back over 50 W6L QSL cards and after my last trip to the PO Box, there’s another 50 or so to mail. We made contacts using FT8, CW and SSB. This year the hot bands were 80, 40 and 20 meters. If you participated this year, many thanks for getting Tulsa back on the map. If you have a log that […]

Boy Scouts Council Camporee 2021

Paul and I didn’t know what to expect when our two separate paths collided with the same goal of introducing the ham radio hobby to young men, women, boys, and girls of the Indian Nations Council. We had a vision to try and do two events this year but we would start with one that we know some scouts would already attend. So we set the bar low at one scout on the air and we ended up with 27! But the small feat of just getting the TARC trailer out to John Zink Ranch was the easy part. We […]

Texoma Hamarama – CANCELLED

Dear Hamarama Friends, Supporters and Participants, We are unfortunately going to have to postpone the October Hamarama one more year. We do not take this decision lightly. There has been a good deal of anguish, stress and conversations covering everything from low pre-registration to COVID to shortage of manpower and time. There is no one single person or problem and we neither assign nor accept no blame. The CORA group was willing to help and we greatly appreciate that, but in retrospect, we needed a full year to work together if that is what we were going to do. We […]

TARC Needs Your Support!

We have been asked to participate in the Boy Scouts Camporee happening the weekend of 10/2. We are in need of at least 2 volunteers to spend the day out at John Zinc from at least 10am-4:30 pm. Our primary objective will be to introduce scouters to Ham radio and get them on the air! Lunch will be provided by the BSA. Two weeks from then we are also looking for some help on 10/16 for another similar scouting event that is a national event called Jamboree on the Air. This event will have a different twist in the hopes […]

The President’s Corner – September 2021

The TARC Tuesday night net is going strong and we’re averaging 25 hams checking in every week. It seems there is always either a new ham that just got their license or someone new to the net. Either way, we’re glad to see and hear lots of new activity on the repeaters. The current topic has been “What can I do on the air as a Technician Class license holder?” We may be continuing that for several weeks judging by the participation and lots of good questions! The September 21st TARC meeting will be held at the TCC campus (remember […]

Ham radio operators make a difference in disaster, ready if called for Ida

Video courtesy of News Channel 8 – KTUL, Lily Cummings.   TULSA, Okla. (KTUL) — Many in Louisiana are still without power and cell service following Hurricane Ida. But one form of communication that’s been helping folks for decades, ham radio, is still able to make those vital calls. Ham radio isn’t reliant on WiFi or cell service. Just devoted operators. Paul Teel, an emergency coordinator for Tulsa County and part of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, said when he checked Monday more than half the state of Louisiana was without cell signal. Thankfully, by Tuesday around 80 percent had signal, but […]