June 22 NTS NET Recap

10 check-ins tonight. I was holding a message to California from last week, so I relisted that and I also am holding a service message back to the originator explaining the message delay and I’ll keep trying. Although that station did not check in, I transmitted that message anyway as “copy practice”.

June 17 NTS NET Recap

We had 9 check-ins, 2 pieces of traffic listed, 1 piece passed and one piece the recipient didn’t check in, so I took that message to the Tulsa ARES net and delivered it there (pretty sure that surprised the NCO, Ray).

June 8 NTS NET Recap

Tonight’s NTS net had 11 check-ins. One message listed and passed. My prepared remarks tonight were regarding the “rules” for voicing NTS messages on Phone. This makes it easy to tell the difference between ’to’, ’too’, ’two’ and ‘2’ for example. Next week I will continue on that and move on to Numbered Messages, which are “short codes” for commonly sent messages. I fielded a number of good questions on voicing and provided some coaching while copying incoming traffic, which I then delivered via email to WinLink at the sender’s request. I also re-transmitted my very first NTS message for […]

June 3 NTS NET Recap

The first meeting of the Superlink Traffic net was successful held and we had 17 check-ins, 1 piece of traffic was holding to go out, but we had no takers to handle that traffic. Which is to be expected on the first net. Net participants asked a number of good questions and I did my best with answers. I also did some presentation on what the NTS is about and when it might be used. I also talked about my Field Day plans for handling traffic from Chandler Park as part of the TARC group. Paul KB5ANX checked in and […]

6.1.2021 – Informal Net Follow-up

Thanks to all those who checked in with us tonight! Lots of new hams and favorites checked in this evening. Total of 33 on the net this evening! N5TWB – Gave an update on the Tulsa Tough event coming up on 6/12-13. Phone calls have been happening, info and more maps are coming soon. APRS are from our friends at the TRO and the radios are provided by the TARC. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you can help as afternoons and extra’s aren’t a bad thing! N5TWB Email K5AEB – Ann gave us a quick update on Field […]


Help support the ARRL and join today to get information just like the news posted below! Amateur Radio Gearing Up for Another Active Atlantic Hurricane Season June 2021 Eclipse Festival Seeks Ham Participants ARRL Podcasts Schedule Radio Amateur’s Vintage Film Footage Sheds Light on Hindenburg Disaster Amateur Radio in the News ARRL Learning Network Webinars East Bay SM Jim Siemons, W6LK, Stepping Down; Mike Patterson, N6JGA, Appointed CQ Announces 2021 Hall of Fame Inductees Announcements Researcher and Past Arecibo Observatory Director Gordon Pettengill, W1OUN, SK The K7RA Solar Update In Brief… Just Ahead in Radiosport Upcoming ARRL Section, State, and Division Conventions The current […]

Creek County Fox Hunt

Our friends with the Creek County ARES will be hosting a Fox hunt! Take a moment to view the event information below and check back as they are still forming the event! CCAO Fox Hunt  

5.18 Informal Net Follow-up

Thanks to all those stations who jumped on to say hello and for waiting for a late start due to the first ever meeting! One correction from this evening. The 5/22 date for the TARC tulsa tough test has been pushed.. Don’t quote me on that part, but do expect an update closer to the bike race. The discussion for tonight was to discuss any topic and Field Day! W5GGW gave a quick info piece about field day and some things to expect and see.. Expect to see some information coming soon about location, Gota, NTS, and maybe some BBQ..?? […]

What Is Field Day?

Great question !?!?! Here is that official video to help get that information into your hands.. Scroll down to the bottom once done and check out our event page often as we keep posting new info!     TARC Field Day  

5.11 Informal Net Follow-up

All, I thought I would do my best to write down some of the things that were discussed OTA on the net. DATES 5.15- TRO Copland Classic 5.18 – TARC Meeting @ TU 5.22 – Tulsa Tough Practice RUN ?? 6.13 – Tulsa Tough Event 6.26 – Field Day Paul Young, KE5EHM, from the TRO is looking for a few more SAG personnel to help out at the Copland Classic this weekend. If you are able to help please reach out to ke5ehm@tulsahamradio.org and let him know you can help. Great discussion and information from all hams that participated on […]