Happy New Year!!!
A year ago this was written as my first Presidents Corner. I thought that maybe this needed repeating to reflect on what we were looking forward to.

As we near the end of the year, I hope we’ll have a lot of things to look forward to in 2021! All the Hamfests, lots of public service events, face to face meetings, a normal Field Day and ice cream social, a Christmas Party and much more. While thumbing through Facebook the other day, I came across this and I wanted to share. It made me stop and think about what I am doing for Ham Radio.

How have you served?
How have you improved the hobby?
Have you mentored new hams? Have you inspired others and promoted the hobby? Have you served as a repeater trustee? Have you worked as a board member of a club?
Have you built gear?
Have you hosted a net?
Have you written for a publication? Being a ham is more than just “time spent listening”!

A lot of what I mentioned above has come true and 2021 was a pretty good year for TARC, however I see 2022 as a real opportunity to do some really great things. Great people do great things and that’s what I see!

Some of the things we have planned for January…

· January Club Meeting, 2021 Recognition and digital modes presenta-tion with Jeff Scoville AE5ME
· License exam, 1/29 9 AM TU Keplinger hall room 2005. Deadline to sign up is 1/15.
· Winter Field Day 1/29 – 1/30. Weather permitting, we’ll have the TARC trailer out.

Keep an eye on Facebook and the TARC website for any portable POTA operations that may pop up. Check out these photos from this past week-end at Cherokee Landing State Park and Sequoyah State Park with Mark KG5ZZV, Mike KI5EGH, Gregg W5GGW, Ray K5CFY, Mike’s friend Andy and myself.  (Newsletter page!)

POTA and portable operations is a great reason to have a “shack in a box” or a “shack in a backpack” and a go bag ready to deploy. Ask any of us for de-tails.

So…what do we have planned for this year? Bob, W5RAB is working on a schedule of presentations for the club meetings (subjects that were suggested by you, the club members) and we’ll continue to have informal nets to discuss items of interest and take questions for our elmers. Want to know what else? Think bike rides, Field Day, Maker Fair, Hamfests, Portable operations (POTA), Route 66 on the Air Spe-cial Event Station, Boy Scout Camporee, Ice Cream Social, Christmas Parades, TARC Christmas Party and anything else we can squeeze in. Looking to get involved? Start small and when you feel comfortable, move on up to other events. No pressure…just fun and ham radio!

We’re getting closer to starting CW practice in Tulsa. If you were on a recent net you heard Andrew, W5AWS and I experimenting with sending CW over the 145.110 repeater. Simply holding the microphone of our dual band radio up to the HF radio speaker was all that was needed to send a clear CW signal. Inter-ested in CW? Let us know and we’ll send you the necessary info. No pressure to perform…just fun!

Next Meeting – the next TARC club meeting is January 18th at 7 PM. Location is TU’s Keplinger Hall room 2005.
Be safe, Be a good friend, Get on the air!
Mark WA5MA

Posted in President's Corner.

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