WOW, it’s already March!!!

What have you done so far this year with ham radio? Let us know or if you can write about a project you’re working on or a ham radio experi-ence you’ve had, we can put it in the newsletter and the W5IAS website for others to read and learn about.

If you missed the February club meeting you missed a great presentation by Paul WB5ANX. He’s an experienced scanner listener and he gave us some outstanding information about the scanner hobby and how it over-laps the ham radio hobby. If you want to see the presentation, go to the W5IAS website and look in Recent Posts for the video and slides of the February meeting and also the VARA Gateway and all things digital by Jeff Scoville AE5ME from the January meeting. There is also a post from KG5MEH about the Jackery Explorer 1000. You say you don’t know what a Jackery Explorer 1000 is….

The month of March is “Weather Month” and Mark WA5MA will be bringing us lots of information about repeater protocol and the W5IAS Weather Net. At our meeting on March 15th it’ll be all about the weather and how to make your transmissions sound professional. Don’t forget about our weekly nets. Make sure you’re there for our Tuesday night net at 8PM on the Superlink System and if you need frequencies for the re-peater system go to the / Repeaters / TARC: Wide Area Link System. The monthly meeting is on February 15th, 7 PM at TU’s Keplinger Hall Room 2005.

We’re still looking for Net Control Operators and Loggers so if you’d like to give it a try let us know and we’ll be happy to show you what’s in-volved and how you can help your club stay strong and active.

What’s just around the corner? Think ARES. Think bike rides, Field Day, Maker Fair, Hamfests, Portable operations (POTA), Route 66 on the Air Special Event Station, Boy Scout Camporee, Ice Cream Social, Christmas Parades, TARC Christmas Party and anything else we can squeeze in.

Looking to get involved? Start small and when you feel comfortable, move on up to other events. No pressure just fun and ham radio!

Upcoming Events and Contests

· TARC CW Practice / Starting March 3rd follow-ing the TARC weekly net
· ARRL International DX Contest, SSB / March 5 & 6
· Oklahoma QSO Party / March 12 & 13
· North American Sprint RTTY / March 12 & 13
· CQ WW WPX Contest / March 26 & 27

Pick a Contest…any Contest! Try POTA or SOTA! Call CQ! Just get on the air! calendar/scroll down to Contest Corral/ click on the month you want

We’re starting CW practice in Tulsa.

Are you interested in CW? Do you have a hard time copying 5 WPM? We’re starting a CW net or maybe I should just say CW practice. Listen after the weekly net and you can just listen or you can jump right in. Let us know and we’ll send you the necessary info.

No pressure to do good CW…just fun!

Next Meeting – the next TARC club meeting is March 15th at 7 PM. Location is TU’s Keplinger Hall room 2005.

Be safe, Be a good friend, Get on the air!
Mark WA5MA

Posted in President's Corner.

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