Presidents Corner January 2024
Presidents Corner President – Mark Adams WA5MA 1st Vice President – Jack Conway W5JHC Outgoing 2nd Vice President – Ian Duncan KC9THI / Incoming 2nd Vice President Ky Vargas KY5VAR Secretary – Andrew Shead W5AWS Treasurer – Jerry Weikel KE5PMK Public Service Liaison – Bart Pickens N5TWB Callsign Trustee – Gregg Wonderly W5GGW Newsletter Editor – Richie Shroff W5OKL ARES Emergency Coordinator, Tulsa County – Paul Teel WB5ANX Where did 2023 go? Hello 2024 and Happy Anniversary TARC!!! January 1st has come and gone so now we can officially celebrate the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s 100 year […]
W5AWS Mast Mounting
After portable operations, Saturday, 16 December 2023, at Heyburn WMA, POTA K8124, where I spent what felt like too much time erecting my inverted-V EFLW antenna, I identified some changes to improve my efficiency at getting on air. i. Add a keychain split-ring to the masthead to stop the top section dropping out of sight and becoming unreachable when the mast is vertical. ii. Replace the masthead fitting with a stainless steel carabiner. iii. Use a drive-on mast mount instead of guying to tent pegs. Read the full document at the link below drive.proton.me/urls/NC6ZDT2BV0#CFgiMn1IFeVX Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=-
TARC Weekly Net Checkins for 122023
Attached is the Netlogger check-in list for tonight’s net. TARC-Net-Checkins-20231212.log
TARC Weekly Net Checkins for 12-26-2023
Attached are Netlogger check-ins for tonight’s net. TARC-Net-CheckIns-20231226.log
QST…QST…QST…The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Christmas Par-ty is scheduled for December 19th 6 PM at the Golden Corral, 71st and Mingo. It’ll be a great time to celebrate with your ham radio friends and fellow club members and of course we have some cool raffle prizes from Santa to give away. Spouses are always welcome. See you there! Where did 2023 go??? This year is almost gone and then we’re into 2024! On January 1st we can officially celebrate the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s 100-year anniversary!!! We’ve put a committee together to start planning events and activities. Steve KF5VCQ, Robert […]
December 5 TARC Net
TARC Net Check-in Log for Nov. 28, 2023
Attached is the Netlogger check-in list for tonight’s net. TARC-Net-CheckIns-20231128.log