Updated Radio Frequency Exposure Rules Become Effective on May 3

The FCC has announced that rule changes detailed in a lengthy 2019 Report and Order (R&O) governing RF exposure standards go into effect on May 3, 2021. The new rules do not change existing RF exposure (RFE) limits but do require that stations in all services, including amateur radio, be evaluated against existing limits, unless they are exempted. For stations already in place, that evaluation must be completed by May 3, 2023. After May 3 of this year, any new station, or any existing station modified in a way that’s likely to change its RFE profile — such as different […]


As you can probably tell, we have launched a new website… so we definitely have been busy getting things moved around. Take some time to poke around and if you think you found a mistake use the Found a Mistake link at the bottom of every page and send it to us; even if you want us to add something or change something… It’s there so we can get you the information you need.. AND yes, we know we will see a lot of these as we grow this site out.. Send on.. Just give us some time to get […]

Texoma Hamarama

New events posted!!!! This is one of those events that has to be written about! Texoma Hamarama This year the Ham Holiday crew, CORA, will be teaming up with the Texoma Hamarama crew to put on an in-person two-day hamfest on October 22 and 23, 2021 in Ardmore, OK. This hamfest has been running for 74 years and it will be the largest hamfest in Oklahoma for 2021. Make your plans to see us there. MORE INFO – /events/texoma-hamarama/

President’s Corner

Can you believe it?   After a year of no club meetings, we’re on track to have our first in per-son club meeting on Tuesday, April 20th. A short survey done during the March 16th weekly net showed that the majority of us are ready for an in person meeting. The location is still to be determined. Keep checking the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Facebook for the details. The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Weekly Net is going strong and thanks to some really good presentations by Ron KB5VDB, Mark KG5ZZV and Bart N5TWB a lot of hams are checking in […]

4.20 TARC Meeting

We are working to see if we can secure a meeting spot IN PERSON for the month of April… More news to follow keep checking online and on facebook for more information!


It’s unfortunate that I have to report that the new TARC trailer was broken into recently and a number of items were stolen. Included were the two ICOM 7300’s. The serial numbers are 020333054 and 02033463. Also stolen were 3 heavy duty 50′ power cords, coax and wire used for antennas, some tools and other small items. If you are a Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist watcher or you attend any flea markets or ham tailgates, please keep an eye out for these radios. Thanks. Mark WA5MA


From Mark, KG5ZZV Mark gave a quick overview on first aid and had the below items to share with everyone. I’m planning to start my pretty brief presentation with a reference (sad this is necessary) to the Oklahoma Good Samaritans Act.  I’m sure the ARES folks are well aware of this, but anyone considering performing first aid should really be aware of this and pre-make the decision to help (or not). https://www.oscn.net/applications/oscn/DeliverDocument.asp?CiteID=72826 What you should carry in your first aid kit varies widely by the areas that you might visit, but bleeding control, airway management and CPR are specific skills […]

ARES The Communications Readiness Series

by Paul WB5ANX – Tulsa County Emergency Coordinator Paul gave a great intro to being prepared for any communication needs. Do take a minute and read this 16 page document he has prepared and feel free to reach out to him over the air!   Communications Readiness Series February 2021.pdf  

Field Day June 27th, 28th 2020

Field Day was a blast and we can’t wait until next year with a lot less COVID! The new trailer was brought out, used and shown off to all those that attended. Below you will find a quick slideshow of the event!