TARC Field Day

The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Field Day is Saturday at Chandler Park across from the water park. Set up starts at 9 AM. The Comm trailer will be there and is available for all to use as well as the GOTA (Get On The Air) station, even if you don’t have your license! The ARES Go Box will be up and running as well as other portable operations, satellite comms, National Traffic System comms and a BBQ dinner. The weather forecast is questionable right now so check in on the repeater if in doubt. Talk in is the 145.110 repeater. Come and […]

June 22 NTS NET Recap

10 check-ins tonight. I was holding a message to California from last week, so I relisted that and I also am holding a service message back to the originator explaining the message delay and I’ll keep trying. Although that station did not check in, I transmitted that message anyway as “copy practice”.

June 17 NTS NET Recap

We had 9 check-ins, 2 pieces of traffic listed, 1 piece passed and one piece the recipient didn’t check in, so I took that message to the Tulsa ARES net and delivered it there (pretty sure that surprised the NCO, Ray).

June 8 NTS NET Recap

Tonight’s NTS net had 11 check-ins. One message listed and passed. My prepared remarks tonight were regarding the “rules” for voicing NTS messages on Phone. This makes it easy to tell the difference between ’to’, ’too’, ’two’ and ‘2’ for example. Next week I will continue on that and move on to Numbered Messages, which are “short codes” for commonly sent messages. I fielded a number of good questions on voicing and provided some coaching while copying incoming traffic, which I then delivered via email to WinLink at the sender’s request. I also re-transmitted my very first NTS message for […]

Field Day preview day 6/17

Field Day is June 26th and 27th. There will be a preview day on Thursday, June 17 at 7 PM at Chandler Park, in front of the new waterpark. We’ll be looking at options for a Field Day location. All are welcome to help with the planning. Any questions?

Ham Radio Outlet coming to Tulsa?

To all hams in the Northeast Oklahoma area… If you’ve ever dreamed of having a Ham Radio Outlet store in the Tulsa area, now is your chance to vote for one. Alan Sales, K5ADS is a former HRO employee and does carry some pull to have a store added here. He’s already sent a proposal to HRO Corporate. They need to hear from as many hams as possible confirming there is serious interest. I’ve already cast my vote for Tulsa! Please vote after you finish reading this e mail. Here is the e mail that I received from Alan Sales, K5ADS. […]

TARC Meeting Agenda 6/15/21

Tulsa Amateur Radio Club – Meeting Agenda June 15th 2021 7:00 PM Talk in 145.110 (PL88.5) Repeater Introductions Old Business Approve May financials Approve May meeting minutes Tulsa Tough wrap up Officer Reports Mark WA5MA – Pres Ann K5AEB – 1st VP Bob W5RAB – 2nd VP Russ KF5UZG – Secretary Jerry KE5PMK – Treasurer Bart N5TWB – Public Service Liaison Gregg W5GGW – Repeater Trustee Richie W5OKL – Newsletter Paul WB5ANX – ARES New Business Comm trailer – What could it be used for? Field Day I’ll give you the shirt off my back! Move ice cream social to […]

Field Day 2021 Press Release

For Immediate Release For additional information contact: Ann Bruun K5AEB 918 231 0301 / bluesky1307@sbcglobal.net Mark Adams WA5MA 918 845 7606 / wa5ma.mark@gmail.com   “Who ya’ gonna call? The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s Radio Hams!” Public Demo of Emergency Communications June 26, 2021 Tulsa, OK June 1, 2021 – Despite the Internet, cell phones, email and modern communications, every year whole regions find themselves in the dark. Tornadoes, fires, storms, ice and even the occasional cutting of fiber optic cables leave people without the means to communicate. In these cases, the one consistent service that has never failed has been […]

June 3 NTS NET Recap

The first meeting of the Superlink Traffic net was successful held and we had 17 check-ins, 1 piece of traffic was holding to go out, but we had no takers to handle that traffic. Which is to be expected on the first net. Net participants asked a number of good questions and I did my best with answers. I also did some presentation on what the NTS is about and when it might be used. I also talked about my Field Day plans for handling traffic from Chandler Park as part of the TARC group. Paul KB5ANX checked in and […]