Category Archives: Ham News
Lithium-ion battery fires
Mark, We ham radio ops may need a reminder about the potential volatility of Lithium-ion batteries: Though I have an extinguisher in my shack, it won’t do any good if I’m not present to operate it when needed, and it could be unable to quench a Lithium-ion battery fire. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=-
TARC Centenary History
An article appeared in the May 2006 edition of QST: “Tulsa Hams Respond to Hurricane Katrina and Human Storm Surge”, see the file attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 64cee76036ca2.pdf
TARC Novice CW Net After Action Report 7.4.23
Attached to this message is an after action report of our historic first novice CW net active yesterday evening, for upload to the website. Special thanks to KY5VAR, KI5EGH, and KA6DOY for making it happen. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20230703-TARC-Novice-CW-Net-AAR-W5AWS.pdf
CW for the Hearing Impaired
A Handheld Vibrational Device Delivering CW to Hearing-Impaired Individuals There are many students in our club over the age of 50 that have various hearing impairments. Through the hard and dedicated work of an LICW committee which made an initial haptic prototype, then improved by Bob WO6W, we now have a patent pending effective vibrational CW decoding device. This device is now being made available to LICW membership and the public. This will also be an interesting aid for those with good hearing because feeling the code creates alternate white matter pathways to the mind which can aid in one’s […]
Net Logger Presentation
Miss the club meeting, here is a link to the net logger presentation by Andrew, W5AWS. NetLogger-TARC-20230221
Oklahoma ARRL Club Liaison Report – March 2023
Welcome to the 1st OK Club Liaison Report This newsletter is being sent out to the OK ARRL club liaisons. Please distribute this info at your club meetings, in club newsletters, and on club nets! Print ‘em, email ‘em, copy and paste ‘em, or post ‘em. A few days after our monthly all Section Manager conference call (third Tuesday night) this report will appear. If you think there is a different person that needs to receive this newsletter, or if you receive doubles, please let me know at OK Spring POTA More details next month, but Oklahoma Spring POTA […]
GridTracker Users Alert:
For those of you that use GridTracker to log to LoTW and are using version 1.22.1204 (very recent issue), please note the following statement in the changelog for the newest version 1.23.0110: GENERAL INFORMATION An oversight in Logbook of the World handling can cause GT to callback to LoTW repeatedly every 1⁄2 second. Please update as soon as possible if you are a LoTW member. CHANGELOG Emergency LoTW fix ———————– Please upgrade immediately at
HF University Session 2
HF antenna basics.