TARC Field Day

The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Field Day is Saturday at Chandler Park across from the water park. Set up starts at 9 AM. The Comm trailer will be there and is available for all to use as well as the GOTA (Get On The Air) station, even if you don’t have your license! The ARES Go Box will be up and running as well as other portable operations, satellite comms, National Traffic System comms and a BBQ dinner. The weather forecast is questionable right now so check in on the repeater if in doubt. Talk in is the 145.110 repeater. Come and […]

Field Day preview day 6/17

Field Day is June 26th and 27th. There will be a preview day on Thursday, June 17 at 7 PM at Chandler Park, in front of the new waterpark. We’ll be looking at options for a Field Day location. All are welcome to help with the planning. Any questions?

TARC Meeting Agenda 6/15/21

Tulsa Amateur Radio Club – Meeting Agenda June 15th 2021 7:00 PM Talk in 145.110 (PL88.5) Repeater Introductions Old Business Approve May financials Approve May meeting minutes Tulsa Tough wrap up Officer Reports Mark WA5MA – Pres Ann K5AEB – 1st VP Bob W5RAB – 2nd VP Russ KF5UZG – Secretary Jerry KE5PMK – Treasurer Bart N5TWB – Public Service Liaison Gregg W5GGW – Repeater Trustee Richie W5OKL – Newsletter Paul WB5ANX – ARES New Business Comm trailer – What could it be used for? Field Day I’ll give you the shirt off my back! Move ice cream social to […]

Field Day 2021 Press Release

For Immediate Release For additional information contact: Ann Bruun K5AEB 918 231 0301 / bluesky1307@sbcglobal.net Mark Adams WA5MA 918 845 7606 / wa5ma.mark@gmail.com   “Who ya’ gonna call? The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s Radio Hams!” Public Demo of Emergency Communications June 26, 2021 Tulsa, OK June 1, 2021 – Despite the Internet, cell phones, email and modern communications, every year whole regions find themselves in the dark. Tornadoes, fires, storms, ice and even the occasional cutting of fiber optic cables leave people without the means to communicate. In these cases, the one consistent service that has never failed has been […]

6.1.2021 – Informal Net Follow-up

Thanks to all those who checked in with us tonight! Lots of new hams and favorites checked in this evening. Total of 33 on the net this evening! N5TWB – Gave an update on the Tulsa Tough event coming up on 6/12-13. Phone calls have been happening, info and more maps are coming soon. APRS are from our friends at the TRO and the radios are provided by the TARC. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you can help as afternoons and extra’s aren’t a bad thing! N5TWB Email K5AEB – Ann gave us a quick update on Field […]

TARC Weekly Net 5/25

The next TARC weekly net is Tuesday, May 25th at 8:00 PM on the 443.850 repeater system. We’re averaging 25 check ins and our topics of conversation over the next few weeks will be Field Day, the National Traffic System and portable operations (think POTA, SOTA, Field Day, Satellites). Of course, we always have time for open discussion and any questions you may have.

5.18 Informal Net Follow-up

Thanks to all those stations who jumped on to say hello and for waiting for a late start due to the first ever meeting! One correction from this evening. The 5/22 date for the TARC tulsa tough test has been pushed.. Don’t quote me on that part, but do expect an update closer to the bike race. The discussion for tonight was to discuss any topic and Field Day! W5GGW gave a quick info piece about field day and some things to expect and see.. Expect to see some information coming soon about location, Gota, NTS, and maybe some BBQ..?? […]

The TARC 5/18 Meeting is on!

QST, QST,QST!!! We’ve been watching the weather radar and it appears that the rain will skirt to the east of Tulsa. The in person meeting is a go at 7:00 PM! We’ll leave the trailer in storage until the June meeting. I will be monitoring the 145.110 repeater.

May 18th Meeting Announcement

QST, QST, QST, The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club has been given approval to meet in the Keplinger North parking lot at the University of Tulsa. This includes our May 18th, June and July meetings. The TARC Comm trailer will be there at 6:00 PM and the meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Please go to the TARC website at www.w5ias.com, Events, TARC Events and scroll down to the TARC Monthly Meeting to find a map. Talk in will be the 145.110 repeater. See you there!

5.4 Informal Net Follow-up

All, I thought I would do my best to write down some of the things that were discussed OTA on the net. DATES 5.15- TRO Copland Classic 5.18 – TARC Meeting @ TU 5.22 – Tulsa Tough Practice RUN ?? 6.13 – Tulsa Tough Event 6.26 – Field Day Bart had a discussion about the upcoming bike event and hoping that we will pick a time on 5.22 to discuss and run through all the hardware and bits and pieces for those new and returning SAG drivers. There is an opportunity to go visit the Copland Classic on 5.15. He […]