QST…QST…QST…The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Christmas Par-ty is scheduled for December 19th 6 PM at the Golden Corral, 71st and Mingo. It’ll be a great time to celebrate with your ham radio friends and fellow club members and of course we have some cool raffle prizes from Santa to give away. Spouses are always welcome. See you there! Where did 2023 go??? This year is almost gone and then we’re into 2024! On January 1st we can officially celebrate the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s 100-year anniversary!!! We’ve put a committee together to start planning events and activities. Steve KF5VCQ, Robert […]
Category Archives: President’s Corner
QST…QST…QST…The November meeting date has changed. We’ll be meeting on November 14th and at the top of the agenda is club officer elections. Please come out to the meeting and support the officers who give so much of their time and effort to make TARC active and success-ful!!! Thanks! Can you believe it !!! This year is almost gone and then we’re into 2024! On January 1st we can officially celebrate the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s 100-year anni-versary!!! We have documentation that dates back to 1924. See the at-tached photo from the Affiliated Clubs section of the May 1924 QST. […]
President’s Corner October 2023
In case you missed it… There were 41 at the last TARC meeting on September 19th and it was a meeting packed with lots of good stuff! We sort of semi-wrapped up Route 66 on the Air. Since it had just ended the previous Sunday, by the meeting on Tuesday not all the logs were in and results had not been tallied, however, preliminary results showed that there were over 1,800 contacts made. The final results will be shared at the October meeting. Andrew W5AWS wrote an e-mail to David Minster NA2AA, the Chief Executive Officer of the ARRL in […]
Presidents Corner September 2023
This summer… has been an awesome time for the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club! We made the cover of July QST Magazine… Paul Teel WB5ANX also had an article published in the July QST in the Public Service section, “Using APRS at Public Service Events” and Andrew Shead W5AWS had his article published in the September QST, “Portable Operations at Chandler Park”. Congratulations to you two for a couple of great arti-cles! If you get a chance please read the articles and give a pat on the back to Paul and Andrew! In case you missed it… The annual TARC Ice […]
Know someone who would like to get their Ham license or upgrade to General or Extra… Your chance is coming up on August 5th, 10 AM at TU’s Keplinger Hall Room 3140 (same location as our monthly club meetings). David N5DMK and the TARC VE team do a fantastic job of running the exam sessions and can have you in and out with a new license or upgrade in less than 2 hours. If you miss this one your next chance to attend a license exam session will be October 7th. Start studying today!!! Do you like the new TARC […]
Field Day 2023 is in the books… “On June 24th and 25th we have a chance to really stretch our ham radio legs, have some fun and learn about ham radio with Field Day 2023.” Well…that’s what I said in last month’s Presidents Corner and I didn’t know just how much we were going to have to stretch our ham radio legs! Of course, we couldn’t have known the weather that was going to happen in the Tulsa area. The Saturday before Field Day we had some serious winds blow through, especially in the Midtown area where several club members […]
The President’s Corner June 2023
It’s never good starting a newsletter this way… I moved to Oklahoma from California in 2010 and while in California I had several opportunities to work with a great ham and a dedicated ARRL representative. His name is Carl Gardenias WU6D. A friend of mine and fellow ham. And if you’ve heard of Gordon West WB6NOA, you may have heard of Chip Margelli. The following is from an e mail from Clint Bradford K6LCS… Amateur radio – along with “educators” and “ambassadors of good will” – took a double-hit in the last two weeks, as we lost Carl Gardenias to […]
President’s Corner – May 2023
In case you missed it… At the April meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, Paul WB5ANX gave his presentation on ARES / Bike Rides / Community Events and how to be prepared for each of them. Also, Ky Vargas KY5VAR recently made the trek out to Little Sahara State Park for a POTA activation, and he had a slide show and presenta-tion for the club. Meeting attendance in April was 35. It’s that time of year… This past weekend was the first VHF/UHF University attended by 27 hams looking for information on “How not to be a LID, the […]
In case you missed it The President of the United States has the State of the Union address, the Governor has the State of the State address and I gave a State of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club address at the March meeting on the 21st. Well maybe not quite as formal, but I’ve been President of TARC for just over 2 years now and I think it’s important that you know just how far the club has come in those 2 years (there’s a list as long as my arm). Here are the activities that the club is currently […]
In case you missed it… The second HF University is in the books. Saturday, February 18th was the second HF University with good attend-ance, great speakers and some even better discussion. Topics included “How not to be a LID” given by myself, Mike KI5EGH did a deeper dive into POTA activations and how to use the POTA website to it’s fullest potential and Paul WB5ANX gave a presentation on grounding your sta-tion…always a good topic! We had a short mentoring session and discussion time after lunch. We even had a radio to work on that wasn’t transmitting with full power. […]