Know someone who would like to get their Ham license or upgrade to General or Extra… Your chance is coming up on August 5th, 10 AM at TU’s Keplinger Hall Room 3140 (same location as our monthly club meetings). David N5DMK and the TARC VE team do a fantastic job of running the exam sessions and can have you in and out with a new license or upgrade in less than 2 hours. If you miss this one your next chance to attend a license exam session will be October 7th. Start studying today!!! Do you like the new TARC […]


Field Day 2023 is in the books… “On June 24th and 25th we have a chance to really stretch our ham radio legs, have some fun and learn about ham radio with Field Day 2023.” Well…that’s what I said in last month’s Presidents Corner and I didn’t know just how much we were going to have to stretch our ham radio legs! Of course, we couldn’t have known the weather that was going to happen in the Tulsa area. The Saturday before Field Day we had some serious winds blow through, especially in the Midtown area where several club members […]

The President’s Corner June 2023

It’s never good starting a newsletter this way… I moved to Oklahoma from California in 2010 and while in California I had several opportunities to work with a great ham and a dedicated ARRL representative. His name is Carl Gardenias WU6D. A friend of mine and fellow ham. And if you’ve heard of Gordon West WB6NOA, you may have heard of Chip Margelli. The following is from an e mail from Clint Bradford K6LCS… Amateur radio – along with “educators” and “ambassadors of good will” – took a double-hit in the last two weeks, as we lost Carl Gardenias to […]

President’s Corner – May 2023

In case you missed it… At the April meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, Paul WB5ANX gave his presentation on ARES / Bike Rides / Community Events and how to be prepared for each of them. Also, Ky Vargas KY5VAR recently made the trek out to Little Sahara State Park for a POTA activation, and he had a slide show and presenta-tion for the club. Meeting attendance in April was 35. It’s that time of year… This past weekend was the first VHF/UHF University attended by 27 hams looking for information on “How not to be a LID, the […]


In case you missed it The President of the United States has the State of the Union address, the Governor has the State of the State address and I gave a State of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club address at the March meeting on the 21st. Well maybe not quite as formal, but I’ve been President of TARC for just over 2 years now and I think it’s important that you know just how far the club has come in those 2 years (there’s a list as long as my arm). Here are the activities that the club is currently […]


In case you missed it… The second HF University is in the books. Saturday, February 18th was the second HF University with good attend-ance, great speakers and some even better discussion. Topics included “How not to be a LID” given by myself, Mike KI5EGH did a deeper dive into POTA activations and how to use the POTA website to it’s fullest potential and Paul WB5ANX gave a presentation on grounding your sta-tion…always a good topic! We had a short mentoring session and discussion time after lunch. We even had a radio to work on that wasn’t transmitting with full power. […]


President – Mark Adams, WA5MA (Returning) 1st Vice President – Jack Conway, W5JHC (Returning) 2nd Vice President – Ian Duncan, KC9THI (New) Secretary – Andrew Shead, W5AWS (Returning) Treasurer – Jerry Weikel, KE5PMK (Returning) Public Service Liaison – Bart Pickens, N5TWB (Returning) Callsign Trustee – Gregg Wonderly, W5GGW (Returning) Newsletter Editor – Richie Shroff, W5OKL (Returning) ARES Emergency Coordinator, Tulsa County – Paul Teel, WB5ANX (Returning) In case you missed it… Winter Field Day Was quite the success! Even with the cool temperatures and gusty winds there was a good turnout. Steve KF5VCQ brought out the TARC Comm 1 trailer […]


It’ll be good to be part of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in 2023… Here are the officers for 2023: President – Mark Adams WA5MA (Returning) 1st Vice President – Jack Conway W5JHC (Returning) 2nd Vice President – Ian Duncan KC9THI (New) Secretary – Andrew Shead W5AWS (Returning) Treasurer – Jerry Weikel KE5PMK (Returning) Public Service Liaison – Bart Pickens N5TWB (Returning) Callsign Trustee – Gregg Wonderly W5GGW (Returning) Newsletter Editor – Richie Shroff W5OKL (Returning) ARES Emergency Coordinator, Tulsa County – Paul Teel WB5ANX (Returning) As I stated in the December newsletter, 2022 was a great year for the […]


It’s been a GREAT year for the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club!!!… Let me count the ways… Winter Field Day, Summer Field Day, License exam session, Weather Watch net, Bike rides, Maker Fair, Route 66 on the Air, replacing the 443.850 repeater, Portable operations days, HF Open House, ARES SET, Scouting events, Christmas parade. We’re still working on the Comm 1 trailer and it has already proved it’s a great asset to the club and to the events that we work. We’ve had some great presentations at our monthly club meetings and our club membership is up to 171! Congratulations! Those […]

President’s Corner Nov 2022

We’re getting close to the end of the year… and it’s time for nominations and elections of club officers for 2023! If you are interested in helping your club by being nominated for an officer position, please e mail Steve KF5VCQ or just show up at the November meeting and have someone nominate you. Even if you’re not interested in serving as a club officer, please make sure you’re at the November meeting so you can vote and support those who have been elected to serve the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club. In case you missed it… At our last TARC […]