Author Archive: W5JHC
Field Day 2023 is in the books… “On June 24th and 25th we have a chance to really stretch our ham radio legs, have some fun and learn about ham radio with Field Day 2023.” Well…that’s what I said in last month’s Presidents Corner and I didn’t know just how much we were going to have to stretch our ham radio legs! Of course, we couldn’t have known the weather that was going to happen in the Tulsa area. The Saturday before Field Day we had some serious winds blow through, especially in the Midtown area where several club members […]
TARC Net Check-in Log 7.11.23
The check-in log for the net this evening is attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- TARC-Net-CheckIns-20230711.log
TARC Novice CW Net After Action Report 7.4.23
Attached to this message is an after action report of our historic first novice CW net active yesterday evening, for upload to the website. Special thanks to KY5VAR, KI5EGH, and KA6DOY for making it happen. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 20230703-TARC-Novice-CW-Net-AAR-W5AWS.pdf
TARC Net Check-in Log 6.27.23
The check-in log for the net this evening is attached to this message. There were some server problems this evening that affected Netlogger. Andrew. -=-=-=- TARC-Net-CheckIns-20230627.log
The President’s Corner June 2023
It’s never good starting a newsletter this way… I moved to Oklahoma from California in 2010 and while in California I had several opportunities to work with a great ham and a dedicated ARRL representative. His name is Carl Gardenias WU6D. A friend of mine and fellow ham. And if you’ve heard of Gordon West WB6NOA, you may have heard of Chip Margelli. The following is from an e mail from Clint Bradford K6LCS… Amateur radio – along with “educators” and “ambassadors of good will” – took a double-hit in the last two weeks, as we lost Carl Gardenias to […]
TARC Minutes of Meeting June 2023
On Tuesday, 20 June 2023 at 1900 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa. WA5MA welcomed new attendees and those who are working to get their Technician license. WA5MA requested round-robin introductions of the company; 29 persons added their names to the attendance register two of whom were aspiring licensees. Andrew, W5AWS, handed aspiring hams Dave and Jay each a paper explaining how to become a ham radio operator, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. A copy of the […]
TARC Net Check-in Log 6.13.23
The log for the net this evening is attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- TARC-Net-CheckIns-20230613.log
TARC Net Check-in Log for June 6, 2023
Attached is the Check-in log from the 6/6/2023 Weekly Net. David K5TZS TARC-Net-Checkins-20230606.log