ARRL – Amateur Radio Helps Rescue Injured California Outdoorsman

A relaxing weekend of camping and fishing did not go as planned last Friday when a member of a California outdoors club fell and broke his hip. REACH 5 helicopter ready to transport with injured outdoorsman on board. [Dave Johnson, KL7DJ, photo] The Old Goats Mountain Club (OGMC) had worked their way along an old Forest Service Road into a rugged, off grid location in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. Dave Johnson, KL7DJ, said his friend slipped and fell while trying reel in a catch. The injury was so severe that the man could not be moved safely with […]

April 2022 Council Camporee

Saturday’s weather started out a bit rough for those practicing amateur radio outdoors in the elements but that didn’t stop Andrew Shead (W5AWS) and Jack Conway (W5JHC) from heading out to Camp Garland to setup a portable operations demonstration to scouters at the 2022 Council Camporee! This couldn’t have been accomplished without support from the TARC trailer headed up by Steve Childers (KF5VCQ) broadcasting under the W5IAS callsign at the Claremore Hamfest. This also couldn’t have been done without Paul Teel (WB5ANX) securing our spot at another council event and Mark Adams (WA5MA) providing flyers and QSL cards for those […]


Shared from W5AWS This video is a useful explanation of the various DeoxIT cleaners and lubricants, including CRC QD and Maxpro, and their use:  

New FCC Application Fee Will Not Apply to Amateur Radio License Upgrades

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) staff has clarified in response to an ARRL request that the new $35 application fee will not apply to most license modifications, including those to upgrade an amateur radio licensee’s operator class and changes to club station trustees. The FCC staff explained that the new fees will apply only to applications for a new license, renewal, rule waiver, or a new vanity call sign. As previously announced, the new fees take effect on April 19, 2022. Read More @ ARRL


WOW, it’s now April!!! What have you done so far this year with ham radio? Let us know and if you can write about a project you’re working on or a ham radio experi-ence you’ve had, we can put it in the newsletter and the W5IAS website for others to read. Here’s what you missed at the March club meeting… At the last club meeting I asked for a discussion about prorating member-ship dues, which fall on April 1. The proposal placed before the members was that anyone joining the club and paying the annual membership fee before October 31st […]

Hamfest Photos!

Going to Hamfest on 4.9? Take a picture of yourself at the TARC trailer and send us your photo!!! We want to make a big picture board online of all those club members and any amateur friend that stops by! Send them via email with your call sign and name to!

TARC Boy Scouts Merit Badge

Paul (WB5ANX) and myself (W5JHC) had the pleasure and honor to host a radio merit badge for Troop 199 out of Oologah Ok during two of their Monday meetings! This was one of the firsts for the TARC communication trailer and went off without a hitch and had 9 scouters practice their skills and discuss the topic of Amateur Radio. I hope one day to do a larger scale merit badge for the council so that we can work on growing the younger population to the hobby. What amazed both Paul and I was that they were really interested in […]

[SEC-ARES] Emergency comms in the Azores

Emergency comms in the Azores GB2RS News Team | March 25, 2022 The island of Sao Jorge in the Azores has suffered over 1,800 earthquakes in 48 hours. The regional government has prepared contingency plans to protect the island’s population. CT1END, the Emergency Communications Coordinator for Portugal, reports that a group of nine radio amateurs are working to support emergency communications locally and back to Portugal. Radio amateurs are asked to steer clear of 3.75 to 3.76MHz overnight, 7.1 to 7.11MHz during the day, and around 14.300MHz for those amateurs outside the region. All radio amateurs are encouraged to listen […]