SM049 – Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act Re-Introduced

Legislation Will Increase Communication Options During Natural Disasters WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Roger Wicker, R-Miss., and Richard Blumenthal, D- Conn., and Representatives August Pfluger, R-Tex., and Joe Courtney, D-Conn. announced their joint re-introduction of legislation in the Senate and House to restore the right to Amateur Radio operators to install the antennas necessary to serve their communities. Here in Oklahoma, we ask all amateur radio clubs and individuals to visit This page has all of our contact information and template letters. Please note that all letters should be sent to the email and address listed. Letters emailed to legislators tend to […]


QST…QST…QST…So what now??? The year 2024 is gone and with it our 100 Year Anniversary Celebration! So what now??? At the January meeting we had our annual State of the Club address. We did a review of all the things that TARC has done during the last 4 years. Several club members were recognized for their efforts and contributions to the club and ham radio during that time by receiving a certificate. Many club members were also recognized by an Honorable Mention. My thanks goes out to all those who helped make the Tulsa Amateur Ra- dio Club what it […]