Club Minutes of Meeting 09.17.24

On Tuesday, 17 September 2024 at 1900 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa. See a copy of the agenda below left.

1 Attendance
Thirty-eight hams added their names to the attendance register, a copy of which is reproduced above right.

2 Introductions
WA5MA introduced the club officers present: 2nd Vice President Ky, KY5VAR; Secretary Andrew, W5AWS; Treasurer Jerry, KE5PMK; Newsletter editor Richie, W5OKL; Quartermaster Paul, KE5EHM; ARES coordinator for Tulsa County, Paul, WB5ANX; TARC Merchandise Coordinator, Robert, KI5WDD, and Bart, N5TWB, the club Public Service Liaison who arrived some time after the meeting start.

3 Business
WA5MA said that we had a lot of business to address since our meeting in August was the ice-cream social meet-and-greet at Chandler Park.
3.1 Newsletter
WA5MA asked whether anyone present hadn’t received the newsletter: Nothing heard.

3.2 Minutes
WA5MA asked for any questions or comments about the minutes of the July meeting as published in the newsletter. Nothing heard. Ed, W1PN, moved to approve the minutes as written; Ky, KY5VAR, seconded; members approved the minutes by acclamation.

3.3 Financials
WA5MA asked whether there were any questions about the financial reports as published in the newsletter.
WA5MA asked for a motion to approve the financial reports. Ed, W1PN, moved to approve the financial reports; Ky, KY5VAR, seconded; and the members present passed the motion by acclamation.

3.4 Maker Faire Wrap-up

WA5MA asked Steve, KF5VCQ, for a summary of our activities at the Maker Faire.
KF5VCQ reported that the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club was again well represented at the Tulsa Maker Faire August 24th. Several of the newest radios, services and equipment were demonstrated by our members as well as a special Get-On-The-Air (GOTA) opportunity for young Faire-goers utilizing one of the stations inside the TARC Communications Trailer.
There were 49 (3rd-party) contacts made, with First Radio Contact Certificates given out. Sixteen young people signed-up to received additional information and for those interested — results from W5JHC’s over-the-air polling question to GOTA guests — brownies won over cookies by 1 vote!
Many thanks to Linda, KI5VYF, for taking on the coordinating role this year, and we would like to acknowledge those who participated: David, K5TZS; Kenny, KC5MJE; Grant, KC1KCE; Jeff, AESME; Paul, KE5EHM; Dave, W5PPA; Debbie, K5DBE; Sam, KJ5BJR; Chad, N5LPR; Mark, WA5MA–AND a special thanks to our GOTA QTH Ham contacts: Jack W5JHC, Paul WB5ANX, and Lloyd K5OSB.
Very sorry to anyone I might have missed.
KF5VCQ yielded the floor to WA5MA.

3.5 DiscoveryLab TinkerfestWrap-up
WA5MA asked Ky, KY5VAR, to summarize the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club presence at Tinkerfest, which is a hands-on event for young persons. Apparently, disassembly of a car was a big attraction.
KY5VAR said Steve, K5TPD, initiated the club presence, organizing a rapid deployment of the Comms trailer with the help of KY5VAR; Linda, KI5VYF; Mark, WA5MA; and Jack, W5JHC.
KY5VAR had a problem with the Hamvee that prevented it from getting on the air, but saved the situation by on-air activity on the local 2 m repeater across the river.
Visitors explored the Comms trailer and KI5VYF brought her practice oscillator to enable visitors to try their hand at sending their name in Morse code.
KY5VAR thought that the Tinkerfest organizers are interested in our participation next year.
KY5VAR yielded the floor to WA5MA.

3.6 Dam J. A. M. Wrap-up
WA5MA asked Paul, WB5ANX, to summarize the Dam J.
A. M. bicycle event.
WB5ANX said that the Dam J. A. M. is the penultimate bicycle event of the year. About twenty club members volunteered to be Safety And Gear (SAG) drivers, ride­alongs, safety sweeps, and net control operators. No one got hurt, all cyclists returned in one piece, on-air protocol was good, and there was cold Dam J. A. M. beer at the finish line for all participants.
As usual, the cyclists were appreciative of our club’s on-course presence.
WB5ANX yielded the floor to WA5MA.

3.7 Route-66 On-The-Air Wrap-up

WA5MA summarizing the Route-66 OTA event said that he is still receiving logs, and thus far W6L made more than 1,700 contacts spread across 12 different countries. He expects that our contact-count will reach or exceed 2,000. Already, we have received a dozen or so mailed requests for QSL cards.

3.8 MS150 Bike Ride
The MS150 is the ultimate bicycle event in our calendar year. WA5MA said that we must vote to approve support of this year’s event that runs from Tulsa via Avant to Bartlesville on 21 September 2024. The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club provides support from Tulsa to Avant; the Bartlesville radio club supports the event from Bartlesville to Avant. The MS in MS150 is Multiple Sclerosis and the 150 refers to the overall mileage of the event.

Bart, N5TWB, is our organizer who needs volunteers to SAG and ride-along and to be net control. Contact N5TWB to help make the event a success.
WA5MA asked for a motion to support the event: Paul, KE5EHM, so moved; Ian, KC9THI, seconded; and those present unanimously approved by acclamation.

WA5MA asked Paul, WB5ANX to talk about the upcoming Amateur Radio Emergency Service Simulated Emergency Test, scheduled for Saturday, October 5th 2024, from 0900 hrs until Noon. This is a national test. We will be exercising use of a Resource Net to which all participants check-in; we will exercise frequency agility and our ability to follow instructions from net control; we will activate the hospital net, and practice Winlink messaging.
WB5ANX asked for a show of hands from those whose primary interest is in emergency communications. About half those present raised their hands. WB5ANX said that the percentage is consistent with participation nationally.
Wb5ANX yielded the floor to WA5MA.

3.10 YL Activity
WA5MA said that YL activity is still in progress and should start when the weather is cooler, beginning with an event at Evergreen Church that includes the Comms trailer.

3.11 ConstitutionandBylaws
WA5MA said that we need to review the club constitution and bylaws in time for the annual election of club officers. Our need is to make the Constitution and Bylaws (C&B) reflect the reality that prevails today.
The C&B were adopted by the club on 9 November 1993, and last amended on 18 November 1997, almost thirty years ago.
Historically, the C&B requires the occupancy of the club president to change every two years. Two years ago, we passed an exception that allowed the current president to continue in the post for another two years.
For the last several years, current officers have been happy to continue in office unless club members wanted to vote for replacements.

Some time ago, we formed a C&B Committee comprised of the Club Secretary, Club Treasurer, and led by Steve, KF5VCQ, who also serves as parliamentarian when needed. Ian, KC9THI, is a supernumerary member.
Due to other activities, the C&B Committee failed to meet. Consequently, to date there is no action to report.

3.11.1 Action Item
Andrew, W5AWS, the Club Secretary will review the C&B as they appear under the “About” tab of the club website and request help and discussion via email from the other committee members. If necessary, we will meet via Zoom teleconference. We will report to the membership during the October meeting of the club.

3.12 Repeater Challenge
WA5MA asked whether anyone monitored the Superlink system and answered those making a call, and, from time to time, announce one’s call sign and make contact with another operator. Logan, KJ5EDE, said that there’s not much activity though more in the afternoon than in the morning.
WA5MA encourage members to not only announce their call sign, but also to ask for a signal report.

3.13 Net Control Operators
WA5MA asked Ian, KC9THI, to talk about the club’s need for Net Control Operators.
KC9THI said that the club supports a high level of activity that needs volunteers to act as NCOs. It isn’t difficult and there will be formal training sessions before the end of the year. All nets use a script, so as long as you know how to read then you know what to say and when.
KC9THI relinquished the floor to WA5MA.
Ky, KY5VAR, asked about on-air etiquette.
WA5MA said that they covered that topic in one of the early Ham Universities, and that he would find the notes and add them to a forthcoming tech-night agenda.

3.14 Antenna Mechanical Interference 443.850MHz
WA5MA briefed the meeting on the problems with the 443.850 MHz and
145.170 kHz club antennas, colocated 500 feet up the tower at 41st & Lynn Lane in Broken Arrow, 25 feet out from the tower on a candelabra.
During a storm in the area, the WX5TUL weather net experienced static on the UHF frequency. Subsequent investigation revealed that the VHF antenna had broken loose from its vertical mounting to a horizontal position with its end entangled with on of the UHF antenna loops.
WA5MA circulated photographs of the damaged antenna.
More than twenty years ago, a previous occupant of the tower bequeathed these antennas, feed-lines, and rack-space in the radio shack to the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club. We are obliged to effect repairs to the VHF antenna to prevent further deterioration of the situation and possible damage to the equipment of other occupants of the tower, and the possibility of injury to anyone caused by falling material.

WA5MA said that we have received quotations from two tower-climbing companies, one for $3,500 and one for $5,000, and that we are waiting for receipt of two more quotes.
An extensive discussion ensued during which we discovered that the low bid is from a company that has an ongoing business relationship with the company owning the tower, and all the approvals and insurance for maintenance work.
The high bid is from a company that has no experience with the equipment on this tower or the necessary approvals with the company owning the tower.
Bob, W5RAB, has available a replacement antenna of better quality than the one installed that he is willing to donate to the club for installation. This donation is worth about $4,000.
We reached consensus that it is imperative that we authorize repairs soonest before any further deterioration and before the next round of severe weather. We also agreed that it makes eminent sense to employ a company experienced with the tower and the tower owner.
WA5MA asked for a motion to approve expenditure of $3,500 from unencumbered club funds to repair the VHF antenna. Iain, KC9THI so moved; Sam, KC5BXG seconded; motion approved by acclamation.
WA5MA said that he will contact the tower-climbing company tomorrow, 20 September 2024, to schedule the repair work.
We also discussed our need for a club sinking fund, which is a fund established by an economic entity by setting aside revenue over a period of time to fund a future capital expense. This is something we need added to the club constitution and bylaws.
This maintenance work depletes club cash reserves, which means we must begin a fund-raising campaign.

3.15 Club Centenary Celebration
The club centenary banquet is booked for December 10th at Ti Amo Restaurant in their Tuscany room from 1800 until 2100 hours. There are 100 places at $60 per head, so book early. There will be a cash bar with wait-staff service. The banquet will be in lieu of the December club meeting.

3.16 Miscellaneous Matters
If severe weather is in the forecast, please monitor the WX5TUL Skywarn Net on the Superlink System. Go to for Superlink frequencies in your area. Check-in and give a report.

NEW-Wednesdays—National Weather Service radio test on the Superlink System.

Jeff, AE5ME, talked about Meshtastic ( an open source, off-grid, decentralized, mesh-network built to run on affordable, low-power devices.

TARC Exam Session, Saturday September 28th , 1000 hrs Keplinger Hall Room 3140

JOTA Exam Session October 19” 1530 hrs

Ardmore Hamfest — October 26th

TARC Tech Night October 1st 1830 hrs, Keplinger Hall Room 3140 with Jeff, AE5ME, DMR Workshop, Bring your DMR radio.


3.17 Club Badges
These club badges await collection by their owners:

KI5URK, Larry – paid • NJ5Z, John – $2

KI5TZG, Ellis – paid • KI5HJM, Cameron – paid

WA5ZQG, Rich – paid • KI5ZWB, Gabe – $2

KG5GJ, Brian – paid • KD5DPB, Doug – paid

KC5BTQ, Lowell – paid • N5CEL, Curtis – paid

K5DBE, Debbie – paid • KJ5BJR, Sam – paid

4 Next Meeting
Our next monthly meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club is October 15th at the University of Tulsa, Keplinger Hall, Room 3140, beginning at 1900 hrs.
5 Adjournment
There being no further business, WA5MA called for a motion to adjourn; Rich, WA5ZQG, made a motion to adjourn; Ian, KC9THI, seconded; motion approved by a general exodus.
Meeting adjourned at 2040 hrs.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Andrew, W5AWS, Secretary.


Posted in TARC Meeting Minutes.

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