On Tuesday, 19 March 2024 at 1905 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa.
You can download a copy of the agenda via this link:
WA5MA introduced the club officers who were present at the meeting. 37 hams added their names to the attendance register. You can download a copy of the attendance register via this link:
WA5MA asked whether anyone is not receiving the minutes of meeting in the newsletter: One person indicated not getting the newsletter. WA5MA said that we will correct that discrepancy.
WA5MA asked for any questions or comments about the minutes of last month’s meeting. Nothing heard. Ed, W1PN, moved to approve the minutes as written; Kenny, KC5MJE, seconded; the minutes were approved by acclamation.
WA5MA asked Treasurer Jerry, KE5PMK, whether he had anything to add about the financials. KE5PMK said that he completed and submitted the 990N tax form and that he had to do so referencing the old club address because the IRS is uncoordinated and hadn’t yet got around to reflecting the change of address; also, the free web-host refund had ended and KE5PMK paid the annual web-site fee. WA5MA asked for any questions or comments. Nothing heard. Ian, KC9THI, moved to approve the financials; Ed, W1PN, seconded; motion carried by acclamation.
WA5MA said that Bart, N5TWB, had to leave on urgent business, so a status report on grant applications to the ARRL Foundation is postponed.
WA5MA said that he had received some inquiries about amplifier and radio repair, and had found two sources for this work. If anyone is in need of amplifier or radio repair, email wa5ma.mark@gmail.com for contact information.
WA5MA said that the 3/16 exam session produced 12 new Technician licensees, 1 upgrade to General, and 1 upgrade to Extra.
WA5MA had two or three service recognition certificates from the last meeting that he couldn’t give because the recipients were absent the meeting. WA5MA recognized Brent, N5LOL, for logging the Tuesday evening net, and Dave, W5PPA, for organizing the scouting event last year.
WA5MA said that in this centenary year of the club, we have a planning committee to organize celebration of this event comprising: Steve, KF5VCQ; Robert, KI5WDD; Ray, K5CFY; and Remell, KA6DOY.
WA5MA called upon Paul, WB5ANX, to talk about advertising the club centenary. WB5ANX said that he had approached the Tulsa Area Emergency Management Agency, the Mayor, the County Commissioner, the Governor’s office, and radio manufacturers about our long history of community service in good times and bad. Any accolades received will be posted on the club web-site.
WA5MA acknowledged Remell, KA6DOY, who suggested that we have a special event station in recognition of our centenary year, with corresponding QSL cards.
WA5MA polled the meeting informally about having special event QSL cards and took responsibility for designing and printing a batch of cards.
WA5MA asked Robert, KI5WDD, to update us on club centenary merchandise.
KI5WDD, supported by KY5VAR, said that proceeds of the the stadium cup and coffee mug combination for $20 are allocated to a centenary club- dinner. KY5VAR said that the dinner will be in a nice venue that depends on there being enough cups sold.
KI5WDD said that all merchandise is now available on-line via this web- site:
WA5MA yielded the floor to Ky, KY5VAR, for Club Spotlight.
KY5VAR said that the idea is to take some time each month to hear from various members about what they are doing in the Ham Radio Hobby. Since the hobby is so broad, it is impossible for an operator to do everything, so KY5VAR thought a good way to expose aspects of the hobby is to hear from individual members. Tonight the member in the limelight is Andrew, W5AWS, who is also the club secretary.
W5AWS displayed a (tr)uSDX five-band transceiver, assembled from a kit, that operates on 80, 20, 40, 15, and 10 meters with an output power of 5W. Operating modes are CW, SSB, FM, & AM.
W5AWS drew attention to two QR-Codes attached to the white-board. One on how to become a ham radio operator:
…and one that links to an operating and assembly manual for the (tr)uSDX transceiver:
Idea behind writing a manual is to document the construction process so that others can help themselves to building their own kit.
WA5MA called upon Ian, KC9THI, to talk about Ham University.
KC9THI said that sessions at the next Ham U will be: KC9THI talking about adverse weather preparedness; KI5EGH on emergency communications; KY5VAR on a lighthearted approach to CW, and AE5ME on DMR.
WA5MA said that there will be a severe weather expo at Woodlands Hill Mall, and that the club trailer will be in the parking lot, assuming there are enough volunteers to operate it. Since the usual suspects are otherwise engaged on that date, we need new volunteers to help, or we must cancel our participation.
Greg, W5GGW, moved that the club provide two $50 gift certificates for the Green Country Hamfest. KC9THI seconded. Approved by a majority show of hands.
David, AJ5W, said that he is installing another Winlink gateway on the shared frequency 145.03 to improve local area coverage.
Jeff, AE5ME, said that the Tulsa ARES Winlink net on 7083.5 kHz attracts worldwide interest, especially from the Philippines.
Green Country Hamfest is on April 12th & 13th during which there are opportunities to volunteer to help. Sign-up here:
There being no further business, WA5MA called for a motion to adjourn, proposed by W1PN, seconded by KE5EHM, approved by general exodus.
Meeting adjourned at 2035 hrs local.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=-
You can download a copy of the agenda via this link:
WA5MA introduced the club officers who were present at the meeting. 37 hams added their names to the attendance register. You can download a copy of the attendance register via this link:
WA5MA asked whether anyone is not receiving the minutes of meeting in the newsletter: One person indicated not getting the newsletter. WA5MA said that we will correct that discrepancy.
WA5MA asked for any questions or comments about the minutes of last month’s meeting. Nothing heard. Ed, W1PN, moved to approve the minutes as written; Kenny, KC5MJE, seconded; the minutes were approved by acclamation.
WA5MA asked Treasurer Jerry, KE5PMK, whether he had anything to add about the financials. KE5PMK said that he completed and submitted the 990N tax form and that he had to do so referencing the old club address because the IRS is uncoordinated and hadn’t yet got around to reflecting the change of address; also, the free web-host refund had ended and KE5PMK paid the annual web-site fee. WA5MA asked for any questions or comments. Nothing heard. Ian, KC9THI, moved to approve the financials; Ed, W1PN, seconded; motion carried by acclamation.
WA5MA said that Bart, N5TWB, had to leave on urgent business, so a status report on grant applications to the ARRL Foundation is postponed.
WA5MA said that he had received some inquiries about amplifier and radio repair, and had found two sources for this work. If anyone is in need of amplifier or radio repair, email wa5ma.mark@gmail.com for contact information.
WA5MA said that the 3/16 exam session produced 12 new Technician licensees, 1 upgrade to General, and 1 upgrade to Extra.
WA5MA had two or three service recognition certificates from the last meeting that he couldn’t give because the recipients were absent the meeting. WA5MA recognized Brent, N5LOL, for logging the Tuesday evening net, and Dave, W5PPA, for organizing the scouting event last year.
WA5MA said that in this centenary year of the club, we have a planning committee to organize celebration of this event comprising: Steve, KF5VCQ; Robert, KI5WDD; Ray, K5CFY; and Remell, KA6DOY.
WA5MA called upon Paul, WB5ANX, to talk about advertising the club centenary. WB5ANX said that he had approached the Tulsa Area Emergency Management Agency, the Mayor, the County Commissioner, the Governor’s office, and radio manufacturers about our long history of community service in good times and bad. Any accolades received will be posted on the club web-site.
WA5MA acknowledged Remell, KA6DOY, who suggested that we have a special event station in recognition of our centenary year, with corresponding QSL cards.
WA5MA polled the meeting informally about having special event QSL cards and took responsibility for designing and printing a batch of cards.
WA5MA asked Robert, KI5WDD, to update us on club centenary merchandise.
KI5WDD, supported by KY5VAR, said that proceeds of the the stadium cup and coffee mug combination for $20 are allocated to a centenary club- dinner. KY5VAR said that the dinner will be in a nice venue that depends on there being enough cups sold.
KI5WDD said that all merchandise is now available on-line via this web- site:
WA5MA yielded the floor to Ky, KY5VAR, for Club Spotlight.
KY5VAR said that the idea is to take some time each month to hear from various members about what they are doing in the Ham Radio Hobby. Since the hobby is so broad, it is impossible for an operator to do everything, so KY5VAR thought a good way to expose aspects of the hobby is to hear from individual members. Tonight the member in the limelight is Andrew, W5AWS, who is also the club secretary.
W5AWS displayed a (tr)uSDX five-band transceiver, assembled from a kit, that operates on 80, 20, 40, 15, and 10 meters with an output power of 5W. Operating modes are CW, SSB, FM, & AM.
W5AWS drew attention to two QR-Codes attached to the white-board. One on how to become a ham radio operator:
…and one that links to an operating and assembly manual for the (tr)uSDX transceiver:
Idea behind writing a manual is to document the construction process so that others can help themselves to building their own kit.
WA5MA called upon Ian, KC9THI, to talk about Ham University.
KC9THI said that sessions at the next Ham U will be: KC9THI talking about adverse weather preparedness; KI5EGH on emergency communications; KY5VAR on a lighthearted approach to CW, and AE5ME on DMR.
WA5MA said that there will be a severe weather expo at Woodlands Hill Mall, and that the club trailer will be in the parking lot, assuming there are enough volunteers to operate it. Since the usual suspects are otherwise engaged on that date, we need new volunteers to help, or we must cancel our participation.
Greg, W5GGW, moved that the club provide two $50 gift certificates for the Green Country Hamfest. KC9THI seconded. Approved by a majority show of hands.
David, AJ5W, said that he is installing another Winlink gateway on the shared frequency 145.03 to improve local area coverage.
Jeff, AE5ME, said that the Tulsa ARES Winlink net on 7083.5 kHz attracts worldwide interest, especially from the Philippines.
Green Country Hamfest is on April 12th & 13th during which there are opportunities to volunteer to help. Sign-up here:
There being no further business, WA5MA called for a motion to adjourn, proposed by W1PN, seconded by KE5EHM, approved by general exodus.
Meeting adjourned at 2035 hrs local.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=-