Did you go to this years’ TARC Field Day or did you miss it?
Yes, I know it was hot and humid, but it was still one of the best Field Days that I’ve been to in a long time. There were 43 participants repre-senting 5 different clubs including the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club and we had 13 visitors including Mark Conklin N7XYO ARRL Oklahoma Section Emergency Coordinator and Mark Kleine N5HZR ARRL Okla-homa Section Manager.
Check out the w5ias website for pictures of this years’ event.

If you missed Field Day 2022 you missed a good one. There were many things to see and do! The TARC Comm 1 trailer was there and that was a great place to make some Field Day contacts and cool off at the same time. (Many thanks to Remell KA6DOY for bringing his mo-torhome with air conditioning!) We had a GOTA (Get On The Air) station for non hams to make their first amateur radio contact as well as hams that haven’t been on the air in awhile to re-kindle that flame and make a contact. There was a radio programming table where Paul WB5ANX helped some new hams and some that don’t have their li-cense yet get their handheld radios programmed. There was an ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) station, an FT8 digital station, a portable Go Box station. There were dipoles, buddipoles, coil antennas and a 6 meter verical dipole. We had all logging computers networked together and connected by WiFi to the internet. We worked all bands – 80 meters through 6 meters and there was even equipment using 5.7 Ghz.

If you were able to attend this years’ Field Day, even if it was only for a few minutes, we would really appreciate it if you’d take just a moment or two and complete our survey so that we can make next years’ Field Day even better than this years’…and this years’ was pretty awesome!!!
If you didn’t attend, let us know why so next year we can do better.

Many thanks and appreciation to Jack W5JHC and all those that helped support the club and Field Day this year!
The current roster on the website shows that there are 150 paid members. Most are paid through April 2023, a few are paid through 2024 and some are paid beyond that. If you haven’t paid your dues you have now been removed from the membership. You can still pay by PayPal on the W5IAS website or you can mail a check to the PO Box listed below the member-ship application. You can always pay at a TARC event or at the club meeting.

The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club is an active and thriv-ing club! Some clubs would love to have half of the membership that makes up TARC. It’s not just one ham that makes it what it is, but it’s a group of active hams that enjoy a great hobby! However, this or any other club won’t survive without support from its’ members and we are asking for your help and sup-port! Please volunteer and get involved!

The ARRL Foundation Clubs Grant Program can pro-vide up to $25,000 to a club for any projects that they may be working on or would like to do. Bart N5TWB is working on the grant proposal.
Got an idea? Send it to us soon so we can add it to our list.

TARC Grant Project

Not interested in a helping with a bike ride but still want to support your community? Anyone interested in ARES participation should visit the website at and/or contact Paul WB5ANX via email at

Bike rides not your thing? Not interested in ARES? HamRescue exists to help ham operators maintain their stations in working order and on the air. It relies on participation by volunteers. HamRescue is on an as-needed basis and the help you give a fellow ham is greatly appreciated. See this web-site for more information:

Weather Watch Net
Storm season is here, so please monitor the Superlink System for the Weather Watch net. Frequencies for the repeater in your area can be found at, click on Repeaters and scroll down to TARC: Wide-Area Link System.

Please monitor the national VHF/UHF calling frequencies, too. Sometimes hams passing through the area call for local information, help or just looking for someone to talk to. You may even hear and work a ham in an airplane operating aeronautical mobile!
At our meeting in July we’ll put a wrap on Field Day 2022 and start looking for ideas for 2023. We’ll also have a presentation on PSK 31 by An-drew W5AWS.

Next Meeting
The next TARC club meeting is July 19th at 7 PM. Location is TU’s Keplinger Hall room 3140.
Coming to the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in 2024
2024 will be the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club. I know it’s a ways down the road, but we can start planning now. Got any ideas about how we can celebrate?
Maybe a special event station? What’s your idea?
We’re still looking for Net Control Operators and Loggers for the Tuesday night TARC Net so if you’d like to give it a try let us know and we’ll be happy to show you how easy it is and how you can help your club stay strong and active. Start small and when you feel comfortable, move on up to other events. No pressure, just fun doing ham radio!
Upcoming Events

  • Going on right now until July 7th – 13 Colonies Special Event Stations.
  • MakerFair – Date to be determined
  • August is our annual Ice Cream Social at Chandler Park Shelter #1
  • September 10th through the the 18th – Route 66 on the Air at Webster High School and Chandler Park and your home station
  • Dam Jam Bike Ride

Pick a Contest…any Contest! Try POTA or SOTA! Call CQ! Just get on the air!

Go to, click Contest Calendar, scroll to Contest Corral, click on the month you want to check.
Next Meeting – the next TARC club meeting is July 19th at 7 PM.
Location is TU’s Keplinger Hall room 3140.
Be safe, Be a good friend, Get on the air!
Mark WA5MA
President – Tulsa Amateur Radio Club

Posted in President's Corner.

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