Here’s what you missed at the April club meeting…
We’re now meeting in Room 3140 and by a vote of acclamation, every-one liked the chairs better. Hi Hi! This is a bigger room and with the in-crease in attendance we’re going to need the extra space. Here’s a list of past dates with the number of TARC members.
4/2021 = 89 members
6/2021 = 99 members
1/2022 = 112 members
2/2022 = 119 members
3/2022 = 128 members
4/2022 = 144 members
You are part of a growing and active club!!!
A wrap up of Green Country Hamfest…
Richie, W5OKL, said that in previous years about 1100 to 1200 people attended and that attendance this year was similar to previous events prior to the pandemic. (Editor: 1145 tickets sold)
A side note…W5OKL also discovered that bank-bags and night deposits are almost extinct when the bank had to get a locksmith to open the de-posit box and make a new key.
Someone pointed out that a fox-hunt was a missed as a Hamfest activity. Maybe next year???
WB5ANX said that our ARRL Section Manager, John Stratton, N5AUS, and another toured the W5IAS comms trailer during Hamfest and asked what we think we need and to submit a grant proposal for funding by the ARRL. One immediate need is a larger generator, but WB5ANX said that as a club we should think bigger. The grant program can provide up to $25,000 to a club for any projects that they may be working on or would like to do. Got an idea? Send it to us soon so we can add it to our list.
We also discussed Scouting activities… Mike, KG5YKM, talked about the need for good radio cov-erage at the various scouting facilities around the state, though current practice uses GMRS rather than Ham radios. Still, KG5YKM, seeks help improving radio service for the scouts.
KG5YKM asked to make a final statement regarding scouts, saying that scouting organizers very much ap-preciate the volunteers helping scouts achieve their radio merit badges and providing them with a certifi-cate of third-party radio operation.
Steve, KF5VCQ, logged about thirty contacts between the scouts at Camp Garland and the comms trailer at the Hamfest, and commented on the significant number of girl scouts.
Camp Garland continued on simplex using 146.550 and made another dozen or so contacts with mainly girl scouts all of whom were vigor-ous talkers unafraid of the microphone.
Andrew, W5AWS said that most scouts didn’t give the repeater time to reset. Only one scout, Joe, used proper procedure — quick-keying isn’t a problem with simplex operation. Gregg, W5GGW, suggested that at future events another radio be tuned to the repeater, placed near thosewaiting their turn, so that they can hear the repeater operation.
What events are coming up and what do you need to work an event…
Bart, N5TWB, spoke about volunteer support of the forthcoming events in which TARC is involved. He said that the next two bicycle events supported by the club will be:
Tour de Tulsa on May 7th Cop Land Classic on May 21st
N5TWB explained that event organizers deploy ham radio operators along the various routes for Safety And Gear (SAG units) ready to assist any cyclist in need of help and communicate status with the event control operator.
N5TWB emphasized the importance of situational awareness, including geographic awareness. For this to happen SAG operators need their ears, eyes, brain, and mouth engaged.
Of prime importance is the safety of participants in the event, which includes everyone involved.
N5TWB explained that since the event routes are spread out geographically, operators cannot rely on Handheld Transceivers (HT) having insufficient pow-er to reach the repeaters. However, even though an HT may be unable to reach a repeater, it can receive the high-power repeater transmissions, so they are still good to have on one’s person. For any volunteer with-out a mobile radio, the club has several 25W pre-programmed radios available to borrow during an event for use with an external mag-mount antenna like the one displayed.
Gregg, W5GGW, interjected that instead of a 1/2-wave antenna, a 5/8-wave antenna is better since its radiation pattern is more donut-shaped, concentrating power in the horizontal direction whereas the half-wave is more omni-drectional.
N5TWB continued, saying that all SAG vehicles will borrow and use a club Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) tracker to provide event control with geographical position information. These APRS unots are pre-programmed; the receiving system is filtered to exclude any non-club APRS devices.
N5TWB reviewed the contents of a well-equipped SAG kit, as listed here:
* First aid kit.
* Bike repair kit.
* Air pump with Schrader and Presta valve fit-tings.
* Inner tubes, usually supplied by the event organizers
*Reflective vest, available from many locations. Here’s an example
* HT 12-VDC power supply and spare battery.
* A dual-outlet automotive power adapter, available from many locations:
* A drop-cloth to prevent vehicle seats absorbing moisture from sweaty cyclists.
* Personal foul weather clothing like a rain jack-et.
* A wide-brimmed hat, like those produced by Tilley:
* Energy bars, usually provided by event organizers, to offer to exhausted cyclists.
* A bike rack for two bikes or use the bed of a pick-up with padding for the expensive bikes.
N5TWB cautioned volunteers to avoid becoming a casualty by having an ice-chest containing water, food, medications, and just-in-case comfort products like toilet paper — that’s what one’s left-hand and gravel were for before the advent of toi-let paper.
To volunteer or request a ride-along with an ex-perienced ham, contact either: or
We’re always looking for volunteers…wanna help? It’s easy!
WB5ANX referred anyone interested in ARES partic-ipation to visit the web-site at or contact him via email at
Volunteers require training so that participants com-municate using a common language.
Volunteers are required to undergo a background check, and will be given a Federal Emergency Man-agement Agency (FEMA) approved standard identity badge. Anyone who volunteers with the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps will have a background check and be issued with an approved ID badge:
Remell, KA6DOY asked to make a brief announce-ment about Ham Rescue, which exists to help opera-tors maintain their stations in working order. It relies on participation by volunteers.
See this web-site for more information:
Weather Watch Net…
Storm season is here, so please monitor the Superlink System for the weather watch. Frequencies for the repeater in your area can be found on the w5ias wesite. Please monitor the national VHF/UHF calling frequencies. Sometimes hams passing through the ar-ea call for local information. You may even hear and work a ham in an airplane operating aeronautical mo-bile!
What about next month…
At our meeting next month we will discuss prepara-tions for Field Day.
Coming to the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in 2024…
2024 will be the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club. I know it’s a ways down the the road, but we can start planning now. Got any ideasabout how we can celebrate? Maybe a special event station? What’s your idea?
Looking to get involved? We’re still looking for Net Control Operators and Loggers so if you’d like to give it a try let us know and we’ll be hap-py to show you what’s involved and how you can help your club stay strong and active. Start small and when you feel comfortable, move on up to other events. No pressure…just fun doing ham radio!
If you would like to help with a bike ride, but aren’t yet comfortable, you can do a ride along with a more experienced ham to learn how it goes.
Upcoming Events and Contests
May 7th – Tour de Tulsa bike ride
May 21st – Copland Classic bike ride June 11th & 12th – Tulsa Tough bike ride June 25th & 26th – Field Day / Chandler Park Pick a Contest…any Contest! Try POTA or SOTA! Call CQ! Just get on the air!
Go to, click Contest Calendar, scroll to Contest Corral, click on the month you want to check.
Next Meeting – the next TARC club meeting is May 17th at 7 PM. Location is TU’s Keplinger Hall room 3140. Be safe, Be a good friend, Get on the air!
Mark WA5MA