The first-ever virtual National Weather Festival took place from October 26-31, 2020, and it was an immense success! Providing digital content via our website gave participants across the entire world the chance to attend our festival, and although we were unable to celebrate in person, we were able to host over 150,000 of you! We are coming back to the virtual world October 25-30, 2021! More Info
Monthly Archives: October 2021
TARC October 19th 2021 Meeting Agenda
Introductions TARC Club Officers Mark WA5MA – President Ann K5AEB – 1st Vice President Bob W5RAB – 2nd Vice President Russ KF5UZG – Secretary Jerry KE5PMK – Treasurer Bart N5TWB – Public Service Liaison Gregg W5GGW – Repeater Trustee Richie W5OKL – Newsletter Paul WB5ANX – ARES Tulsa County Emergency Coordinator Business Approve September meeting minutes Approve September financials TARC T shirts – New order Route 66 On the Air wrap up Boy Scouts Camporee and JOTA wrap up Future Scouting events Nomination Committee Nominations are November meeting License Upgrade Classes – Need VE’s Weather Net – […]
URGENT…TARC October Monthly Meeting
QST, QST, QST…The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club monthly meeting on October 19th will be in Keplinger Hall, Room 2005 at 6:45. The room is large enough to accommodate 60 to 65 people so there is room for social distance. Wear your mask if you feel uncomfortable. Talk in is the 145.110 repeater. See you there.
The Presidents Corner – October 2021
There goes Route 66 on the Air! As of this writing, Route 66 on the Air for 2021 is in the log and we’ve made 1222 hams very happy because they’ve got W6L in their log. We’ve already mailed back over 50 W6L QSL cards and after my last trip to the PO Box, there’s another 50 or so to mail. We made contacts using FT8, CW and SSB. This year the hot bands were 80, 40 and 20 meters. If you participated this year, many thanks for getting Tulsa back on the map. If you have a log that […]
Boy Scouts Council Camporee 2021
Paul and I didn’t know what to expect when our two separate paths collided with the same goal of introducing the ham radio hobby to young men, women, boys, and girls of the Indian Nations Council. We had a vision to try and do two events this year but we would start with one that we know some scouts would already attend. So we set the bar low at one scout on the air and we ended up with 27! But the small feat of just getting the TARC trailer out to John Zink Ranch was the easy part. We […]