All, I thought I would do my best to write down some of the things that were discussed OTA on the net.
5.15- TRO Copland Classic
5.18 – TARC Meeting @ TU
5.22 – Tulsa Tough Practice RUN ??
6.13 – Tulsa Tough Event
6.26 – Field Day
Bart had a discussion about the upcoming bike event and hoping that we will pick a time on 5.22 to discuss and run through all the hardware and bits and pieces for those new and returning SAG drivers. There is an opportunity to go visit the Copland Classic on 5.15. He suggested waiting till after the 8am start to go visit the communications trailer and to see how things are handled there if you have time.
Ray(K5CFY) reported on the RCWA daily net on Monday that Gene-(KE5LTS/SK) is now a silent key.
24 Check ins tonight!