It’s time for membership renewals! Take a quick moment to see if your name is on this list and if you see your membership expiring in 2025, then it’s time to start the renewal process. We have made this process easy for those that just want to pay online! Just click the link below to send in your credit card payment via paypal! If you still want to snail mail the check to us that is ok too! Follow the link below to fill out the form to send in with your check! QUICK NOTE: Anyone joining the club and […]
Category Archives: Membership
Happy Father’s Day
Happy father’s day out there to all the dad’s! 73!
TARC Media Advisory : 2022 ARRL Field Day — June 25 – 26
2022 ARRL Field Day — June 25 – 26 Ham Radio Operators On the Air for Nationwide Event June 25 – 26 Hello! You have made this email blast as a public office, media, or someone that might find our event interesting enough to spread the word. We also gain points for being involved in the community and having great people like yourself show up and take some photos, so if you could spare a few moments for a visit on June 25 during noon-5pm we would greatly appreciate it! Below I have included a schedule of events and some […]
Membership Password Reset
Follow the below steps to reset your password. It is very important that if you changed your password and get a password error to check your email! This is a safety feature to make sure your account was not hijacked! 1. Visit 2. Click lost password 3. Type in call sign 4. Click Generate password 5. Check your email for a new password 6. Click the link and make sure you meet the password requirements 7. Use your new password to sign in.. 8. Check your email for a Login Verification Required 9. Use your call sign and password […]
Call Sign Change / User Name Change / Help
I get this question from time to time or I see a new account come through for a member already in the system. So here are some helpful pointers to update your information on the site! If your issue falls under the below items just shoot the an email letting them know what you need done. Most things are easier for me to change than for you to have to fumble through them. Some things I will help coordinate a connection with someone on the staff that can help. Call sign/vanity change Email address change Membership expiration wrong General […]
TARC Meeting Agenda 6/15/21
Tulsa Amateur Radio Club – Meeting Agenda June 15th 2021 7:00 PM Talk in 145.110 (PL88.5) Repeater Introductions Old Business Approve May financials Approve May meeting minutes Tulsa Tough wrap up Officer Reports Mark WA5MA – Pres Ann K5AEB – 1st VP Bob W5RAB – 2nd VP Russ KF5UZG – Secretary Jerry KE5PMK – Treasurer Bart N5TWB – Public Service Liaison Gregg W5GGW – Repeater Trustee Richie W5OKL – Newsletter Paul WB5ANX – ARES New Business Comm trailer – What could it be used for? Field Day I’ll give you the shirt off my back! Move ice cream social to […]