Weekly Net

The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club weekly net is Tuesday, May 4th at 8:00 PM on the 443.850 repeater. If you haven’t already checked out the new and improved Tulsa Amateur Radio Club website at www.w5ias.com please do so before Tuesday and let us know what you think. Any input will be appreciated. The TARC website is designed for you!

TARC Informal Net 4.27

The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club weekly net is Tuesday, April 27th at 8:00 PM on the 443.850 repeater. Paul, WB5ANX will be giving us a presentation on ARES followed by Q&A. Paul is the ARES Emergency Coordinator for Tulsa County. If you want to learn about ARES from an expert, join us on the net. You don’t need to be a member to join and check in.

4.20 TARC Meeting

We are working to see if we can secure a meeting spot IN PERSON for the month of April… More news to follow keep checking online and on facebook for more information!

Field Day June 27th, 28th 2020

Field Day was a blast and we can’t wait until next year with a lot less COVID! The new trailer was brought out, used and shown off to all those that attended. Below you will find a quick slideshow of the event!