QST…QST…QST…So what now??? The year 2024 is gone and with it our 100 Year Anniversary Celebration! So what now??? At the January meeting we had our annual State of the Club address. We did a review of all the things that TARC has done during the last 4 years. Several club members were recognized for their efforts and contributions to the club and ham radio during that time by receiving a certificate. Many club members were also recognized by an Honorable Mention. My thanks goes out to all those who helped make the Tulsa Amateur Ra- dio Club what it […]
Category Archives: President’s Corner
QST…QST…QST…Out with the old and in with the NEW!!! We’ve had our 100 Year Anniversary Celebration, amended our TARC Bylaws, started our latest venture…Tech Night, we had an incredible Field Day, repaired one of our broken repeater antennas, renewed TARC’s Special Service Club status, had our best ever Route 66 on the Air, ARES has resumed doing Hospital Nets, TARC has partnered with Discovery Lab’s Tinkerfest. Let’s go back to December 10th and our 100 Year Anniversary Celebra-tion! If you missed it…well…you missed a good one. There were only a few empty seats and for those that attended, it was […]
In this Issue of the Presidents Corner… QST…QST…QST…Here are your report cards!!! 100 Year Anniversary Merchandise / Mugs and Pins / TARC Merchan-dise Big changes at the November meeting / Election results Three new Net Control Operators Let’s make DMR great…again!!! Upcoming events Go Boxes CW Class / CW Nervous Novice Net Club Spotlight / Member Spotlight Tulsa Amateur Radio Club and Tulsa University QST…QST…QST! Here is your report card for the antenna replace-ment. As of today, December 2nd, 2024 we’ve only had 24 persons donate to the gofundme account for a total of $3,350. I would like to commend […]
In this Issue of the Presidents Corner… QST…QST…QST…We need your help!!! 100 Year Anniversary 100 Year Anniversary Merchandise / Mugs and Pins TARC Tech Night TARC Merchandise Repeater Challenge WX5TUL Skywarn Net Let’s make DMR great…again!!! Upcoming events Go Boxes CW Class / CW Nervous Novice Net TARC badges are available Club Spotlight / Member Spotlight Tulsa Amateur Radio Club and Tulsa University QST…QST…QST! We need your help!!! If you were at the September TARC meeting, then you know we had an issue with our 145.170 repeater antenna that caused problems for the 443.850 Superlink Repeater System hub radio. After […]
QST…QST…QST! The broken antenna has been replaced!!! If you were at the September TARC meeting, then you know we had an issue with our 145.170 repeater antenna. If you see the attached picture, then you know something isn’t quite right. Yes, those two antennas should NOT be touching and that was causing some static to the vertical antenna that belongs to the 443.850 Superlink Hub repeater. After a lively discussion about the issue, what may have caused it, what could happen if it’s not repaired and what is needed to replace it, the club approved one of the two bids […]
I have to apologize to you for our mess up… The e mail that was sent asking for you to pay your dues went out to everyone, whether you had paid your dues or not. So, if you already paid your dues, no worries and thank you. If you have not paid your TARC yearly dues yet you have until the end of June to submit by paying inperson at a meeting, on the TARC website or by snail mail. At the end of June, if you have not renewed you will be dropped from the roster. We’re doing our […]
It’s that time again… This is my fourth year as President of TARC and we’ve seen a lot of changes over the past 3 years that would not have happened without the willingness and excitement of our club members. At the February meeting I handed out achievement certificates to those members that did some exceptional things for the club in 2023. I’d like to continue that recognition with the annual “State of the Club” presentation at the April meeting. Here’s the list of activities that the club is involved in… Club growth…213 members Created W5IAS Weather Watch during severe weather […]
Can you believe it… We’re already into March and anticipating all the spring and summer events, not to mention the 100 Year Anniversary events that will be going on. Here’s the short list of events coming up… March 16 th 9 AM – Storm Spotter training, OSU Auditorium March 16 th 12 PM – License exam session, Keplinger Hall room 3140. Sign up at W5IAS.com/Testing March 19th TARC meeting 7 PM – Kit Building with Andrew W5AWS March 23 rd 8 AM – Ham University, Keplinger Hall room 3140 March 25 th – Hospital Net, Contact James KI5DAZ if emcomm […]
This time of year… things in ham radio are pretty slow. However, it won’t be long and things will heat up hotter than a couple of tubes in an amplifier. We just had Winter Field Day, HF/VHF/UHF University and bike rides are just around the corner as is summer Field Day. First of All… Happy Anniversary TARC!!! January 1st has come and gone so now we can officially celebrate the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s 100-year anni-versary!!! We’ve put a committee together to plan some events and activ-ities. Steve KF5VCQ, Robert KI5WDD, Ray K5CFY and Remell KA6DOY are on the committee. […]
Where did 2023 go? Hello 2024 and Happy Anniversary TARC!!! January 1st has come and gone so now we can officially celebrate the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club’s 100 year anniversary!!! We’ve put a committee together to start planning events and activities. Steve KF5VCQ, Robert KI5WDD, Ray K5CFY and Remell KA6DOY are on the committee. They’ll be scheduling events during the year and if anyone has any ideas for an activity, event or a way to celebrate this once in a century event, talk to Steve KF5VCQ or send an email to him at kf5vcq@cox.net or one of the other three […]