W5IAS Route 66 Special Event Station Operating as W6L 10 Sept – 18 Sept 2005 Tulsa Oklahoma
Category Archives: History
September 10 2005 Route 66 W6L
20050910-W6L-KI4EZZ-QSL-14275-kHz 20050910-W6L-N3AIU-QSL-7-MHz 20050910-W6L-N3AIU-QSL-14-MHz 20050910-W6L-N9XIM-QSL-14276-kHz 20050910-W6L-W5PDW-QSL-14276-kHz 20050910-W6L-W7QHE-QSL-14-MHz 20050910-W6L-WB0UZM-QSL-7276-kHz 20050910-W6L-WD6FLL-QSL-14276-kHz 20050911-W6L-AD6WR-QSL-14283-kHz 20050911-W6L-K0RDW-QSL-7270-kHz 20050914-W6L-K0COS-QSL-14275-kHz 20050915-W6L-K3FIT-QSL-14-MHz 20050917-W6L-K6YUI-QSL-14-MHz 20050918-W6L-W8KPH-QSL-14070-kHz 20050910-W6L-AB0OX-QSL-14276-kHz 20050910-W6L-AE5B-QSL-7-MHz 20050910-W6L-K4DTT-QSL-14255-kHz 20050910-W6L-KB0WIL-QSL-7272-kHz 20050910-W6L-KB2ZBJ-QSL-14275920-Hz 20050910-W6L-KB9FUR-QSL-7272-kHz 20050910-W6L-KG6GJM-QSL-14-MHz
September 2004 80th Anniversary
TARC’s 80th anniversary posting in QST 20040900-QST-Magazine-Congratulates-Tulsa-Oklahoma-ARC-80th-Anniversary.pdf
Central States VHF Society 2003
https://www.csvhfs.org/index.php?view=article&id=39:2003antresults&catid=18:antenna-gain-results https://w9fz.com/tulsa2003/csvhf03.html
Boy Scouts Camporee – 2003
By Mark, KD5DLL The 2003 Indian Nation Councils Boy Scout Camporee has concluded. After many months of meeting and test runs of amateur radio equipment the event was a huge success. There were just under 2000 pre-registered Troops and an unknown number of show-up Troops to the largest event the Indian Nations Council holds, according to Bobby Shultz of the BSA office in Tulsa. The Tulsa Amateur Radio Club handled the net control operations of amateurs as well as for the BSA Staff from the mobile Emergency Communications trailer. Setup began Friday at 9:00 am and the net started at […]
Field Day 2002
These pictures were extracted from ATV video. Helicopter owned by Chris, KC5BEJ. Field Day 2002 By Gregg Wonderly, W5GGW Well, it’s over! Field Day 2002 was very busy with lots of activities and we made some QSOs to boot! On Friday afternoon, we were able to get all of the HF equipment that was there set up and working. We had 2 beams, a Gap vertical, a 15m vertical ground plane, and a 40m quad and a 40m trap vertical up and running by the end of the evening. We had a light rain shower in the late afternoon that […]