The City of Tulsa and The Honorable GT Bynum as proclaimed June 18-25th as Tulsa Amateur Radio Club Week! COT Proclamation 2024-sm
Author Archive: W5JHC
Field Day 2024 RECAP
We want your input on what you thought about this years Field Day. All input is greatly appreciated so we can keep making each year just a little better.
TARC Minutes of Meeting
On Tuesday, 21 May 2024 at 1900 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa. See a copy of the agenda below left. Attendance Twenty-six hams and three aspiring hams added their names to the attendance register, a copy of which is reproduced above right. Stormy weather and large hail prevented some of us from leaving home. Introductions WA5MA introduced the club officers present: 1st & 2nd Vice Presidents, W5JHC & KY5VAR; Secretary, W5AWS; Repeater Trustee, W5GGW; and the ARES Emergency Coordinator for […]
Copland Classic 2024 Video
The Cop Land Classic 2024 ride today was a success! No major incidents combined with great weather made for the perfect day. Thanks to all the SAG’s and ride-alongs. Major kudo’s to Ian Duncan for putting the cool video together. It’s next level quality…can’t wait to see the next one. If you want to volunteer for our events…go to and look under events.
I have to apologize to you for our mess up… The e mail that was sent asking for you to pay your dues went out to everyone, whether you had paid your dues or not. So, if you already paid your dues, no worries and thank you. If you have not paid your TARC yearly dues yet you have until the end of June to submit by paying inperson at a meeting, on the TARC website or by snail mail. At the end of June, if you have not renewed you will be dropped from the roster. We’re doing our […]
Field Day Sign up & Participation Request
All it is that time to tell us your intentions at field day as well as helps us try to organize you into the mix! As in previous years, this form will help us know if you plan on working your radio on site with us so we can coordinate as much as possible. It is also very helpful to let us know if you can give us a few hours of YOUR time to help fill a volunteer slot to help the general public or others while on site. Please fill this out asap so we can start filling […]
MFJ Ceasing On-Site Production
MFJ Enterprises, Inc. founder Martin F. Jue, K5FLU, announced that as of May 17, 2024, the company will cease on-site production at their Starkville, Mississippi, facility. Ameritron, Hy-Gain, Cushcraft, Mirage, and Vectronics brand products will be affected by the shutdown. In a letter posted to social media, Jue said he is looking forward to retiring: Times have changed since I started this business 52 years ago. Our product line grew and grew and prospered. Covid changed everything [for] businesses, including ours. It was the hardest hit that we have ever had, and we never fully recovered. I turned 80 this […]
TARC NET LOG – 20240409
It’s that time again… This is my fourth year as President of TARC and we’ve seen a lot of changes over the past 3 years that would not have happened without the willingness and excitement of our club members. At the February meeting I handed out achievement certificates to those members that did some exceptional things for the club in 2023. I’d like to continue that recognition with the annual “State of the Club” presentation at the April meeting. Here’s the list of activities that the club is involved in… Club growth…213 members Created W5IAS Weather Watch during severe weather […]