Author Archive: W5JHC
Field Day 2002
These pictures were extracted from ATV video. Helicopter owned by Chris, KC5BEJ. Field Day 2002 By Gregg Wonderly, W5GGW Well, it’s over! Field Day 2002 was very busy with lots of activities and we made some QSOs to boot! On Friday afternoon, we were able to get all of the HF equipment that was there set up and working. We had 2 beams, a Gap vertical, a 15m vertical ground plane, and a 40m quad and a 40m trap vertical up and running by the end of the evening. We had a light rain shower in the late afternoon that […]
Field Day 2001
By Dave Lugo, W5TAV The weather was hot, the air was muggy, but it was time for the annual event known around the world to all ham radio operators as Field Day. After months of preparation, the time was at hand to sit back and see if everything would work as planned. Field Day is an annual event that is always held the last weekend in June. During the event anyone, weather licensed by the FCC or not can come in and operate a “Radio Station” and see for themselves what Ham Radio is all about. It is a nice […]
November 12 1991 TARC Equipment Inventory
April 10 1990 Meeting Attendance
19900410-TARC-Meeting-Minutes.pdf 19900410-TARC-Meeting-Attendance-Register.pdf
March 13 1990 Meeting Attendance
19900313-TARC-Meeting-Minutes.pdf 19900313-TARC-Meeting-Attendance-Register.pdf
February 13 1990 Meeting Attendance
19900213-TARC-Meeting-Minutes.pdf 19900213-TARC-Meeting-Attendance-Register.pdf