QST…QST…QST…Out with the old and in with the NEW!!! We’ve had our 100 Year Anniversary Celebration, amended our TARC Bylaws, started our latest venture…Tech Night, we had an incredible Field Day, repaired one of our broken repeater antennas, renewed TARC’s Special Service Club status, had our best ever Route 66 on the Air, ARES has resumed doing Hospital Nets, TARC has partnered with Discovery Lab’s Tinkerfest. Let’s go back to December 10th and our 100 Year Anniversary Celebra-tion! If you missed it…well…you missed a good one. There were only a few empty seats and for those that attended, it was […]

Storm Spotter Training 2025

Hot off the press from the NWS WWW’s ! Click the link below for the updated calednar! We continue to schedule training across eastern Oklahoma and northwestern Arkansas for the 2025 spring season, and sessions will be posted to this page as they are scheduled.  Dates for the virtual sessions haven’t been determined yet. Spotter Training Calendar

ARRL as a Special Service Club

TARC is recognized by the ARRL as a Special Service Club (SSC). You may be wondering, “What is an SSC, and how does this affect me?” What is a Special Service Club? A club that exists to go above and beyond for their communities and for Amateur Radio is what defines a Special Service Club (SSC).  They are the leaders in their Amateur Radio communities who provide active training classes, publicity programs, and actively pursue technical projects and operating activities. What about TARC? As an ARRL Special Service Club, we have met our agreement to develop our skills in specified areas […]

Tulsa County Assistant Emergency Coordinator

January 6, 2025 For immediate release: Mark Adams, WA5MA, appointed Tulsa County Assistant Emergency Coordinator I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Adams, WA5MA, as ARES Assistant Emergency Coordinator (AEC) for Tulsa County. While living in California, Mark was a member of the RACES organization for many years supporting the City of Corona with communications, DUI checkpoints, EOC activations, aerial ATV, and staffing the mobile command vehicle.  First licensed in 1986 as N6MWH he changed to WA5MA when he moved to Oklahoma.  Mark has been an active member of Tulsa ARES and the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps for […]


In this Issue of the Presidents Corner… QST…QST…QST…Here are your report cards!!! 100 Year Anniversary Merchandise / Mugs and Pins / TARC Merchan-dise Big changes at the November meeting / Election results Three new Net Control Operators Let’s make DMR great…again!!! Upcoming events Go Boxes CW Class / CW Nervous Novice Net Club Spotlight / Member Spotlight Tulsa Amateur Radio Club and Tulsa University QST…QST…QST! Here is your report card for the antenna replace-ment. As of today, December 2nd, 2024 we’ve only had 24 persons donate to the gofundme account for a total of $3,350. I would like to commend […]


In this Issue of the Presidents Corner… QST…QST…QST…We need your help!!! 100 Year Anniversary 100 Year Anniversary Merchandise / Mugs and Pins TARC Tech Night TARC Merchandise Repeater Challenge WX5TUL Skywarn Net Let’s make DMR great…again!!! Upcoming events Go Boxes CW Class / CW Nervous Novice Net TARC badges are available Club Spotlight / Member Spotlight Tulsa Amateur Radio Club and Tulsa University QST…QST…QST! We need your help!!! If you were at the September TARC meeting, then you know we had an issue with our 145.170 repeater antenna that caused problems for the 443.850 Superlink Repeater System hub radio. After […]

Expanding Your DMR CodePlug Using Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Dr. Greg Meador AI5HV Unlock the full potential of your DMR radio by learning how to efficiently expand your CodePlug using Excel! In this video, we’ll walk you through the process of managing and expanding your CodePlug with ease, ensuring you have all the necessary channels and contacts at your fingertips. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced HAM operator, this tutorial will simplify the complexities of DMR programming and help you customize your setup like a pro. Don’t forget to subscribe for more HAM radio tips and tricks! The link to the BridgeCom Systems Live Stream video that […]

QST…QST…QST! The broken antenna has been replaced!!!

If you were at the September TARC meeting, then you know we had an issue with our 145.170 repeater antenna. If you see the attached picture, then you know something isn’t quite right. Yes, those two antennas should NOT be touching and that was causing some static to the vertical antenna that belongs to the 443.850 Superlink Hub repeater. After a lively discussion about the issue, what may have caused it, what could happen if it’s not repaired and what is needed to replace it, the club approved one of the two bids that we received for a like for […]