SAG Thanks!

Special thanks to the below operators that helped support the Copland Classic bike ride on Saturday! KI5EGH, WB5ANX, WB5VST, KD5VSB, KE5URF, KE5EHM, W5JHC, KI5HAE, N5WCW, KG5YBH, KC9THI, N5DMK, W0JNB, KI5QHM, KE5GOL, N5DGF Tulsa Tough is in just a few weeks! If you would like to help volunteer SAG please register at the link below!

TARC Meeting Minutes – May 2022

On Tuesday, 17 May 2022 at 1900 hours local, Jack, W5JHC, called the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club meeting to order in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa. There were twenty-eight attendees that included two new-joining members. W5JHC asked for round-robin introductions. W5JHC asked for any questions or comments about the minutes of last month’s meeting. Nothing heard. Bart, N5TWB, moved to accept the minutes as written; Steve, KI5UGG, seconded the motion. W5JHC asked for any questions or comments about the financial report. Nothing heard. Paul, KE5EHM, moved to accept the financial report; Gregg, W5GGW, seconded the motion. […]

IronMan Sag Support

This race will push you past your limits and drive you to dig deep within yourself for what it takes to finish this epic 140.6-mile journey. Keystone Lake, the lush rolling hills at the foothills of the Ozarks, Guthrie Green, and vibrant downtown Tulsa are where you’ll be challenged. Certified Piedmontese IRONMAN Tulsa has it all – scenic views, challenging terrain, and one of the most electric atmospheres in the country, all tucked away in Eastern Oklahoma. This is not a TARC sponsored event, but they are looking for SAG personel. If you want to volunteer please visit the link […]

Communications Activity Report – ARES-OK Seminole Tornado

On Friday 5 May 2022, OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MEANAGEMENT requested communications support from the ARRL/Amateur Radio Emergency Services. SCOPE: Provide voice communications between chainsaw and debris removal teams and their base of operations at Volunteer Center. Location: Seminole State College (Volunteer Center) Located at 2701 Boren Boulevard, Seminole, OK 74868 Voice communications can be via LOCAL VHF available repeater. See attached PDF report and PHOTOS – file names ID the photos. Mark Conklin, N7XYO Oklahoma Section Emergency Coordinator Amateur Radio Emergency Service  

Amateur radio operators help keep cyclists safe during Tour de Tulsa

Big thank you to all the operators that helped make this bike ride a success! N5TWB, WB5ANX, WB5VST, NR0Q, WA5MA, WB5TSI, KD5VSB, KI5EGH, KE5PMK, W5JHC, KE5URF, KE5EHM, WB5VST, N5DMK, KI5URK, W5AWS . Take a minute to watch the video below from our friends at Fox 23. We have another bike ride coming up so please let us know if you are interested in helping!


Here’s what you missed at the April club meeting… We’re now meeting in Room 3140 and by a vote of acclamation, every-one liked the chairs better. Hi Hi! This is a bigger room and with the in-crease in attendance we’re going to need the extra space. Here’s a list of past dates with the number of TARC members. 4/2021 = 89 members 6/2021 = 99 members 1/2022 = 112 members 2/2022 = 119 members 3/2022 = 128 members 4/2022 = 144 members You are part of a growing and active club!!! A wrap up of Green Country Hamfest… Richie, W5OKL, […]

Bald Mountain – Pittsburg County Repeater Operational

The permanent 145.210 and 442.400 repeaters are now on air from Bald Mountain, the highest point in Pittsburg County. You can hit them both with 5 watts from Durant (60 miles from the tower) and sound local. Both repeaters are set at 60 watts. I’ve also included pics from when the antennas were installed last year. These will be an excellent addition to SE Oklahoma and will expand when other sites go online. I want to thank everyone involved in this project, without your help, this would not have happened.

TARC Tuesday Night Net Check-ins

1 WA5MA Bixby Mark J Adams (nc) Tulsa EM25bx 2 W5AWS Tulsa Andrew W Shead (log),(op) Tulsa EM26ad 3 AG5SL McAlester James R Bray Pittsburg EM24cw 4 KI5QBA McAlester Jason P Holt Pittsburg EM24cw 5 WX5SAR Muskogee Jonathan D Moore Muskogee EM25hr 6 KC5MJE JENNINGS Kenny D Adams Pawnee EM16qe 7 W5CAE Sand Springs Christopher A Elliott Osage EM16wf 8 N9JYJ Ponca City John M Brackett Kay EM16jt 9 KI5URM Owasso Brian J Booth Tulsa EM26bh 10 AD5JL TULSA Robert M Busch Tulsa EM26bc 11 K5OSB Tulsa Lloyd H Osbon Jr Tulsa EM26bc 12 N5DMK Tulsa David Kennedy Tulsa EM26ad […]

TARC Meeting Minutes – 4.20.2022

1900 hours: Club President, Mark, WA5MA, called the meeting to order, introduced himself, recognized and welcomed new members and visitors to the monthly club meeting held in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa. WA5MA mentioned the change of venue from Room-2005 due to the increase in participation of club members making the larger room necessary. Some banter ensued about the merits of each location, and the possibility of yet larger space. WA5MA asked for a show of hands approving Room-3140, of which there was a majority. WA5MA requested round-robin introductions of first name and call-sign. WA5MA directed […]

TARC Grant Project

A new ARRL Foundation Club Grants program, funded by a grant from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), will make $500,000 available to radio clubs. The program will provide up to $25,000 for worthy club projects. Requests for more than that will be referred back to ARDC. ARRL has long recognized that it is in the best interests of amateur radio to encourage and support amateur radio clubs. Clubs historically have recruited, licensed, and trained new radio amateurs and have provided the community setting for radio amateurs to continue their education and training. The new Club Grants program will help clubs more easily provide […]