TARC Minutes of Meeting September 2023

On Tuesday, 19 September 2023 at 1900 hours local, Mark, WA5MA, called to order the meeting of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club in Room-3140 of Keplinger Hall at the University of Tulsa. You can download the agenda for the meeting via this link: tinyurl.com/3yvw4wds WA5MA introduced those officers of the club who were present then requested round-robin introductions of the company; 41 persons added their names to the attendance register, a copy of which you can download via the following link: tinyurl.com/4sdcxaaa WA5MA asked if any club members present are not receiving the club newsletter. Nothing heard. WA5MA asked for […]

TARC History

1981 seems to have been a low point in the life of the Tulsa Amateur Radio Club, judging by the the surviving records. In November 1981, some old business about having a club flag was held over until the next meeting and never heard again. See the minutes attached to this message. Recently, we finally acquired a club flag; proposed by Remell, KA6DOY, and realized by Mark, WA5MA. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=-

TARC Centenary History

An article appeared in the May 2006 edition of QST: “Tulsa Hams Respond to Hurricane Katrina and Human Storm Surge”, see the file attached to this message. Andrew, W5AWS. -=-=-=- 64cee76036ca2.pdf